Here's some things I want in a 3rd installment
1. Explain the locust: I've played both games and read both novels, and they keep hinting at the locust's origins and motivations but it's never really explained. I want to know how the locust originated, what's the deal with the sires you encountered in that abandoned lab, why they suddenly became so hostile against mankind, where is Adam Fenix, and what is Adam Fenix's connection to the locust queen?
2. Iron out the glitches: The second game felt like it needed another month of beta testing before it was released.
3. Fix the matchmaking: Waiting 10-20 minutes to find a match=not fun.
Well, those are mine, do you agree/disagree? What would you add?
They will probally make a prequel the explain the locaust. takes like 20sec to find a match u need to open up ur nat settings. the #1 thing they need to change is to make the server client sided so there wont be no more host bs.
The two novels already are sort of prequels to the games, as their stories dart back and forth between several times, which include Marcus and Dom as kids, then 1 year before Emergence Day, then 1 year after emergence day with the whole drama is scorching the earth to save it, the times immediately before, after, and in between the 2 games. Considering the fact that nobody except for maybe Adam Fenix has any in-depth knowledge about the locust, I just don't see how a prequel would explain them.
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