im just wondering how do you guys do the fast roll here is an example when you take cover then when you press up and a you will jump but im am saying the same thing but you roll over fast ???:(
I think I know what you mean...I've never seen my charachter do it, but I have seen other people. Perhaps it only shows the animation for other players, and nobody actually sees them doing it themselves. I don't really know though.
If you are going to ask a question make sure everyone can clearly understand what it is you are trying to say. What I think I have managed to get out of it though (correct me if I'm wrong) is when you are running towards cover and you quickly volt over it, rather than running into the cover, pausing and sticking to the cover, and then volting over, evidently slowing your approach. I'm not entirely sure on how to do this (assuming this is what you are getting at), I haven't played Gears for awhile and haven't been in a situation where a move like this was necessary. Maybe try double tapping A as you approach the cover, games like Mass Effect allow you to volt over quickly with this command. Most likely won't work but It's probably worth a shot.
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