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Button Mashers go away, quality titles on the 360 only. Thank you.limpbizkit818
Button Mashers go away, quality titles on the 360 only. Thank you.limpbizkit818
Please! God of War is freaking awesome! And if you really think it's a button-masher, then that shows how little you really know about the series. That made me :lol:
My 360 and 13 games including GRAW 2 has taken a backseat for God of War 2 the past week. It's more fun than almost every game in my 360 collection.jacksheetsThank you! God of War2 is just as good as anything I've played yet this year.
[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"]Button Mashers go away, quality titles on the 360 only. Thank you.SecretWasianMan
[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"]Button Mashers go away, quality titles on the 360 only. Thank you.ColoradoKindBud
Please! God of War is freaking awesome! And if you really think it's a button-masher, then that shows how little you really know about the series. That made me :lol:
Ya, I played the first one on my PS2. Mindless gameplay. You smash the controller and he swings the blades. O wow how cool, it has a lot of blood. Fun if you are 11.Agreed. Regardless to whatever degree of fanboyism lies within a fanboy; you have to pay where the props are due.SecretWasianManWhat do fanboys have to do with God of War?
I love how God of War, especially the sequel, implements puzzles into the game. Definitely adds a lot of fun in between 100 hit combos. And since when is button mashing a bad thing? If you think you can make it through God of War by just mashing random buttons though you're mistaken.jacksheetsOf course you cant beat the game by just bashing the buttons, you get to bored after the first 2 levels to keep going. Thanks for pointing that out. While many people find this type of gameplay fun, I do not. Excuse me while I go play something remolty interesting.
Ya, I played the first one on my PS2. Mindless gameplay. You smash the controller and he swings the blades. O wow how cool, it has a lot of blood. Fun if you are 11. limpbizkit818as opposed to... shoot! crouch! shoot again! dodge! shoot! shoot! SHOOOOOT!!! i really dont see what's so different between the gow 2 and any shooter on the 360. they both require using the same buttons over again, but in gow you need to link up combos. you fight the same enemies over and let me tell you, the way they can be killed in gow is a lot more entertaining than the mere headshot.
[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"]Ya, I played the first one on my PS2. Mindless gameplay. You smash the controller and he swings the blades. O wow how cool, it has a lot of blood. Fun if you are 11. mc_geeas opposed to... shoot! crouch! shoot again! dodge! shoot! shoot! SHOOOOOT!!! i really dont see what's so different between the gow 2 and any shooter on the 360. they both require using the same buttons over again, but in gow you need to link up combos. you fight the same enemies over and let me tell you, the way they can be killed in gow is a lot more entertaining than the mere headshot.
i cosign.
[QUOTE="jacksheets"]I love how God of War, especially the sequel, implements puzzles into the game. Definitely adds a lot of fun in between 100 hit combos. And since when is button mashing a bad thing? If you think you can make it through God of War by just mashing random buttons though you're mistaken.limpbizkit818Of course you cant beat the game by just bashing the buttons, you get to bored after the first 2 levels to keep going. Thanks for pointing that out. While many people find this type of gameplay fun, I do not. Excuse me while I go play something remolty interesting. I was going to rebutt your mindless comment, but noticed you have limpbizkit as a screen name. That speaks volumes enough.
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