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I think Microsoft's main impetus in offering the core system was to allow for choice. Different options at different dollar levels is always a good thing for the consumer, especially in that Microsoft's core can be upgraded with everything that the premium package has if the owners chooses to in the future (unlike other base-level videogame systems...)lockjaw333
yes good pointÂ
They never said they are having any problem. This is something coming from a Playstation magazine and the person basically said both consoles has their difficulties but their team will work them out. It's these gaming websites blowing this out of proportion.skbmassiveExactly.
They never said they are having any problem. This is something coming from a Playstation magazine and the person basically said both consoles has their difficulties but their team will work them out. It's these gaming websites blowing this out of proportion.skbmassiveits been all over the net..not just in ps mags,,even ign had a write up on it on there main page.
[QUOTE="skbmassive"]They never said they are having any problem. This is something coming from a Playstation magazine and the person basically said both consoles has their difficulties but their team will work them out. It's these gaming websites blowing this out of proportion.daveg1its been all over the net..not just in ps mags,,even ign had a write up on it on there main page. Read the article on IGN. I hardly think that saying "Yep" to a largely biased question from a PS magazine editor and including nothing on what the person being interviewed had to say following that one word answer counts as proof that they are having trouble developing the game for the Xbox 360. You can take any fragment of what someone writes or says and slant it for your own use.
THey said there having complications because the 360 dosent have a standard hard drive they can cache to. WHO DOSENT HAVE A HARD DRIVE! The core is just a waste of space and should be romeoved so DEVS wont hav ethis problem anymore. Again, why wouldnt you hav ea hard drive of atleast 20GBs? Its kinda dumb if you dont.I wouldnt be surprised if 15-20% of all xbox units were core, and to a devloper thats a big problem.
not all people have a hard drive i have a ps3 and a gamming pc for my main systems and i got my kids a 'cheep' xbox 360, so i could just let them play on that what with all the games that are out now for the 360 . Not a good move for microsoft if it stars afecting games down the line for all the 360 owners:( but good for dads like me to keep the little ones happy on the cheep loldarbyshireandy
yeah, but I dont think youll be having your kids be playing GTA IV anyway, right? Â
I find it bizzare that the GTA series is suddenly expected to be the pinnacle of graphical excellence. If the 360 is "limiting" them, how did they ever manage to develop GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas specifically for the PS2? When did Rockstar start being hardware elitists? And when did we start expecting a GTA game to set a graphical standard?HashbrownsGTA3 was made with a 3rd party engine which limited them all the way which is why the second the PSP and 360 came out they made their own. Now they have their own engine, they dictate what they want to see and it seems they want to see the old limitations they had go out the window.
[QUOTE="darbyshireandy"]not all people have a hard drive i have a ps3 and a gamming pc for my main systems and i got my kids a 'cheep' xbox 360, so i could just let them play on that what with all the games that are out now for the 360 . Not a good move for microsoft if it stars afecting games down the line for all the 360 owners:( but good for dads like me to keep the little ones happy on the cheep lolblack_awpN1
yeah, but I dont think youll be having your kids be playing GTA IV anyway, right?
no but i will lol, imo i dont think this lack of hard drive will be an issue with the 360 for this game but in the future it could be a problem not having a hdd as a standard[QUOTE="skbmassive"]They never said they are having any problem. This is something coming from a Playstation magazine and the person basically said both consoles has their difficulties but their team will work them out. It's these gaming websites blowing this out of proportion.daveg1its been all over the net..not just in ps mags,,even ign had a write up on it on there main page.
The interview came from a Playstation magazine and if you read the article you will understand. Some websites made it seem as if they answered "Yep" and that was it. That's not the case.
[QUOTE="skbmassive"]The interview came from a Playstation magazine.teebeenzSo? The quote came from rockstar.
Did you read teh entire quote? Why did they leave out what he said as if he replied with a simple "Yep"Â Â Sorry but GTA is not a game that needs a hard drive nor does it require much space on a DVD. It will be fine on the Xbox.
Leave out what? He was asked if working on a system which didnt have plenty of storage and a HD was a limitation, he said "Yep to be honest with you we haven't solved all those riddles yet." Looks like he was being diplomatic. I dont see anything left out.teebeenz
Continue what he said. It can be turned to say the Ps3 also has problems since he did say that. Working out a riddle does not mean it's a problem really and GTA staff is talented.Â
Sure, as said in the other 50 threads on this PS3 has its own issues no doubt, working with the limited netcode, the early Home SDKs, getting caching right and of course making sure the cell is fine tuned, but these are all software issues which can be fixed with time. No matter how long you wait DVD9 wont turn into bluray and a HD wont sprout out of thin air.teebeenz
So now this is a blu ray is needed thread? The last GTA was what ? 2 gigs and now you expect it to be 20 gigs? Consoles don't have that kind of memory and the only thing you will see using large storage are FMV filled games where the videos stream from the disc. GTA is not one of those type of games.
The only difference you will see in this game is one will have longer load times unless they copy the entire game to the hard drive. Like they did with oblivion.
Ya i have no idea why its a problem for them. seriously, everyone has a harddriveboomshakalaka88They have to program it believing that people will be playing it without a harddrive.
I find it bizzare that the GTA series is suddenly expected to be the pinnacle of graphical excellence. If the 360 is "limiting" them, how did they ever manage to develop GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas specifically for the PS2? When did Rockstar start being hardware elitists? And when did we start expecting a GTA game to set a graphical standard?Hashbrowns
ROTFL, true, the graphics in the GTA series always stunk... LOL
>So now this is a blu ray is needed thread? GTA was what ? 2 gigs and now you expect it to be 20 gigs? Consoles don't have that kind of memory and the only thing you will see using large storage are FMV filled games. GTA is not one of them.skbmassiveMemory has nothing to do with it. We're not talking PS2 stuff anymore. Resistance Fall Of Man was 20gigs+ and that was a launch title, how big do you think a game franchise like that would be in 2 years, or 4 years?
[QUOTE="teebeenz"]Sure, as said in the other 50 threads on this PS3 has its own issues no doubt, working with the limited netcode, the early Home SDKs, getting caching right and of course making sure the cell is fine tuned, but these are all software issues which can be fixed with time. No matter how long you wait DVD9 wont turn into bluray and a HD wont sprout out of thin air.skbmassive
So now this is a blu ray is needed thread? The last GTA was what ? 2 gigs and now you expect it to be 20 gigs? Consoles don't have that kind of memory and the only thing you will see using large storage are FMV filled games where the videos stream from the disc. GTA is not one of those type of games.
The only difference you will see in this game is one will have longer load times unless they copy the entire game to the hard drive. Like they did with oblivion.
Yep, right on. You also have to consider that PCs don't really have any memory restrictions as well because games all install to the HDD. But you dont see 20GB PC games do you (Some PC games come on multiple DVDs though). The reality is that games really dont take up that much memory so I dont know why PS3 fans think they're going to be playing these 15GBG-20GBG games. It's not going to happen. Even a HUGE MMO game like Final Fantasy XI on the PC which runs in high-res of course is about 7GB. Anarchy Online with all of the expansion disks (4-5 disks) is about 6GB once it's all installed.
[QUOTE="skbmassive"]>So now this is a blu ray is needed thread? GTA was what ? 2 gigs and now you expect it to be 20 gigs? Consoles don't have that kind of memory and the only thing you will see using large storage are FMV filled games. GTA is not one of them.teebeenzMemory has nothing to do with it. We're not talking PS2 stuff anymore. Resistance Fall Of Man was 20gigs+ and that was a launch title, how big do you think a game franchise like that would be in 2 years, or 4 years?
No offence, but that was just marketing hype to sell the game. Resistance was only about 3GB... seriously. Here, read this artical...
Yep, right on. You also have to consider that PCs don't really have any memory restrictions as well because games all install to the HDD. But you dont see 20GB PC games do you (Some PC games come on multiple DVDs though). The reality is that games really dont take up that much memory so I dont know why PS3 fans think they're going to be playing these 15GBG-20GBG games. It's not going to happen. Even a HUGE MMO game like Final Fantasy XI on the PC which runs in high-res of course is about 7GB. Anarchy Online with all of the expansion disks (4-5 disks) is about 6GB once it's all installed.kindredmachineGames are expected to be big becuase of the audio which takes up lots of space these days, but also becuase they tend to expand by about 4x with each console generation. Few will reach multiple disks, but more than enough will surpass DVD9.
That was also found to be inaccurate with the usual duplicate data used through the disk as is common on disk releases.teebeenz
memory has a lot to do with it. textures do not require much space at all. Audio and videos take up the most space on these games.
Look at Crysis for example. it has better textures than any console game and it only requires 6 gigs of HD space. I don't know how large resistance is but I am pretty sure a lot of the space is used by disc padding. Oblivion was suppose to do something similiar since the game is only 4.5 gigs but instead they dumped it to the hard drive.
[QUOTE="skbmassive"][QUOTE="teebeenz"]Sure, as said in the other 50 threads on this PS3 has its own issues no doubt, working with the limited netcode, the early Home SDKs, getting caching right and of course making sure the cell is fine tuned, but these are all software issues which can be fixed with time. No matter how long you wait DVD9 wont turn into bluray and a HD wont sprout out of thin air.kindredmachine
So now this is a blu ray is needed thread? The last GTA was what ? 2 gigs and now you expect it to be 20 gigs? Consoles don't have that kind of memory and the only thing you will see using large storage are FMV filled games where the videos stream from the disc. GTA is not one of those type of games.
The only difference you will see in this game is one will have longer load times unless they copy the entire game to the hard drive. Like they did with oblivion.
Yep, right on. You also have to consider that PCs don't really have any memory restrictions as well because games all install to the HDD. But you dont see 20GB PC games do you (Some PC games come on multiple DVDs though). The reality is that games really dont take up that much memory so I dont know why PS3 fans think they're going to be playing these 15GBG-20GBG games. It's not going to happen. Even a HUGE MMO game like Final Fantasy XI on the PC which runs in high-res of course is about 7GB. Anarchy Online with all of the expansion disks (4-5 disks) is about 6GB once it's all installed.
the largest PC game i can thing of right now is Flight Simulator X and it has every single airport in the world plus a world map. it requires 14 gigs hard drive and 2 gigs of ram to load those huge worlds. You cannot load those things on a 512mb of ram
the largest PC game i can thing of right now is Flight Simulator X and it has every single airport in the world plus a world map. it requires 14 gigs hard drive and 2 gigs of ram to load those huge worlds. You cannot load those things on a 512mb of ramskbmassiveFunny becuase its system requirements say 256megs. Dude, go do some research on how games use their data.
[QUOTE="skbmassive"]the largest PC game i can thing of right now is Flight Simulator X and it has every single airport in the world plus a world map. it requires 14 gigs hard drive and 2 gigs of ram to load those huge worlds. You cannot load those things on a 512mb of ramteebeenzFunny becuase its system requirements say 256megs. Dude, go do some research on how games use their data.
there is a huge difference between reccommended requirements and minimum. The minimum is 256 which basically means you will have to play the game at the lowest resolution (No HD) and all the lowest settings plus you cannot expect smooth play. The recommended requirements are 2 gigs of ram.
If you want blocky texture, low frames, low resolutions and poor audio then 256mb might work.
The HDD presents a problem because games can use it for cache to help spee dup loadign ( or in a GTA's case, help with streaming. ) Also becuase of DVD9, that too is another problem that many people have mentioned, not jsut Rockstar. Â I believe Epic Games said Unreal Tournament 3 is 30Gbs right now and their not even done with it.. Â Of course they need to finish and compress, but still i think DVD9 is a big hinderence holding 360 back.JumpingMirrior
I find it hard to believe that UT3 is 30 gigs.Maybe you can post a link? Crysis is only 6 gigs and has much better textures than any console game. battlefield 2142 has maps much larger than any console game and it's only 2 gigs.
I find it hard to believe that UT3 is 30 gigs.skbmassiveWell UT2k4 which was a DX8 game was 5gigs, so who knows. But one thing is for sure, lets hope they can fit all the maps onto a single DVD or else swapping during server roatation will be a total bastard.
[QUOTE="skbmassive"]I find it hard to believe that UT3 is 30 gigs.teebeenzWell UT2k4 which was a DX8 game was 5gigs, so who knows. But one thing is for sure, lets hope they can fit all the maps onto a single DVD or else swapping during server roatation will be a total bastard.
Dude like i said a million times maps and textures do not take much space. How big were the 4 gears of war maps? it is only 230mb in size. It's in a developers best interst to keep the size as low as possible. Anyway i am done with this.
[QUOTE="JumpingMirrior"]The HDD presents a problem because games can use it for cache to help spee dup loadign ( or in a GTA's case, help with streaming. ) Also becuase of DVD9, that too is another problem that many people have mentioned, not jsut Rockstar. Â I believe Epic Games said Unreal Tournament 3 is 30Gbs right now and their not even done with it.. Â Of course they need to finish and compress, but still i think DVD9 is a big hinderence holding 360 back.skbmassive
I find it hard to believe that UT3 is 30 gigs.Maybe you can post a link? Crysis is only 6 gigs and has much better textures than any console game. battlefield 2142 has maps much larger than any console game and it's only 2 gigs.
Toweards the middle.Â
[QUOTE="skbmassive"][QUOTE="JumpingMirrior"]The HDD presents a problem because games can use it for cache to help spee dup loadign ( or in a GTA's case, help with streaming. ) Also becuase of DVD9, that too is another problem that many people have mentioned, not jsut Rockstar. Â I believe Epic Games said Unreal Tournament 3 is 30Gbs right now and their not even done with it.. Â Of course they need to finish and compress, but still i think DVD9 is a big hinderence holding 360 back.JumpingMirrior
I find it hard to believe that UT3 is 30 gigs.Maybe you can post a link? Crysis is only 6 gigs and has much better textures than any console game. battlefield 2142 has maps much larger than any console game and it's only 2 gigs.
Toweards the middle.Â
Like i said it's in the developers best interest to keep size as low as possible. Loading too much data will require much longer load times and higher system requirements (memory). You need to read what was sait more carefully and not nick pick. They said they will release exclusive patches for the game also.
I can tell you we have 30GB versions here today and we copied two versions to each of those PCs, so by the end of it we had about a terabyte of copies over there. So we've got to get smaller - big is cool, it lets you have more environment diversity and stuff like that but at the same time you have to deal with the actual load times. We don't know the exact number of maps we'll ship with but we want it to be between 30 and 40 - that's substantially more than other games in the genre.
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