[QUOTE="wile315"][QUOTE="armydominican69"] Hmmm other than the fact that me and my friends still play single player, with all the skulls turned on, and playing to see who can get a higher score from the start to the finish? yea we done gone passed 12 hrs of single, heck we may have been broken 250 hrs barrier at this point, thats when were not playin the horrid multipayer for Gears (hopefully 2 will be better) or CoD4, yea i enjoy the game very much, im getting WAYYYYY more out of my 60 bucks, that you obviously are, and im not just focusing on single player, Forge was an EXCELLENT addition, i play Multiplayer juss as much as Single, but thats when more of my friends wanna play and we wanna go teams online, etc etc etc.
by the way if u gettin rid of the helmet, send it my way, it'll be a FINE addition to my collection
as for single player... what MORE do you want? it was the END of this trilogy, the Aribiter's role was finished, he was nessecary for the downfall of the covenat, what more could he be involved with? the game was Master Chief's Spotlight anyways, the Flood ran rampant once again, and posed a serious threat, and the covenant was thru, so basically and the loose ends were being tied up, what more could have been done? you tell me since you seem to be teeming with ideas for it, o and dont try and say, that u juss go from point A to B, watch a cut-scene here and there, shoot people, ride a vehicle, shoot some more, REPEAT, because they were ALL like that
Good to know that theres ways to innovate single player campaign on your own. I'll probably give the skull thing a try too. But your right, playing with a friend makes the campaign so much more tolerable. I could stand those linear inside of someone's stomach levels, but with a friend I can at least try to assassinate him or something for fun, and break out with a dual in the middle of battle to mix things up.
Anyways to answer your question. I was disappointed with Bungie for not putting in the effor to make Halo 3 the best Halo in the series. Single player campaign is the reason, and thats where I see the lack of effort. I mainly thought about Half life 2 and Half life 1 in comparison. Half life is one of the greatest shooters ever. But Half life 2 took that game, made it bigger, introduced a contingent but ambitious story, and add so many Innovative features (the gravity gun is innovative). Granted Halo 3 had to wrap things up, but I expect Bungie to at least polish the last action campaign very well if they're going to stick with a simple and straight ending to the series. Think Gears of War and how well single player came off even though there was absolutely no story. Halo 3 was going to be great as long as Bungie did that.
I think halo 3 campaign did nothing of that sort. The game picked up very slowly, and the first three hours you play contributes nothing to the story. Who cares if you need to escape a freakin forest and escort marines onto planes. This is the last game in the most anticipated series: the world is about to blow up, we need to stop truth. Being so anti-climatic in a game shows poor game design, and these developers had no idea on how to string together story progression.
The Halo 3 story made no sense in its context. Think about how the story ends, you activate a halo to destroy the local Flood. Why? Because the flood crashed into Earth. Bungie must have thought that this was the most important action sequence, because the entire plot Halo 2 built up, that is what should have been the main focus, actually finished in the middle of the game. Imagine this, your watching an action movie, its 2 hours long, and they've beat the villain and saved the world in an hour. What do you do for the last hour, well, lets make a sub plot that make it seem like the world was in danger AGAIN, and make the hero rescue it again! This is horrendous story writing. I could puke on Halo 3 Writters right now.
People like you are getting annoying, seriously its frikkin annoying. Don't like Halo 3? Fine. There are many people that feel Halo 3 is the best Halo ever, there are many that don't. I honestly think people like you need to shut the heck up about this by now. Friends that I didn't see since JUNIOR HIGH are recommending me to "finish the fight."
2/3 of my friendslist play that game everyday. I glimpsed at your "nerd" argument with a Halo 3 fan, and I now think that you nothing more than a coward hiding behind the internet.
ROFL, what the, what do you have up your ass. Did i touch a sensitive subject. Buaahaha, you people crack me up the most. Its like this, you really cant stand anyone saying anything about any game you like. Even if you agree with it, you still cant stand it.
Its funny because this is systems wars, and now I know exactly how to start a flame war. Point out the obviously bad aspects and fanboys will still bust a nut of it. This guy above is ridiculous.
2/3 of your friends play that game everyday? And you're making the nerd arguement against me? you said 'friends that I didnt see since junior high are recommending me to 'finish the fight'' wow, so you actually love this game so much that you're incoporating lame catch phrases into your speech. Whos the dork dork.
I really dont mind taking apart beavers like you. Everything you say is so stupid that its just fun to watch you fall apart.
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