god, theres gonna be so many first timers when halo3 launches. n00b parade!!!
A bit of advice, get halo2 and get some experience online, cause YOU HAVE NO IDEA, WHAT PLAY GROUND YOU ARE HEADING INTO!!! youve been warned
I don't know about that, Bungie does have a good matchmaking system, so I think he'll be alright. The matchmaking system should match you up with people of similar skill, its gonna be hard for it to do that at first because everyone will be the same rank, but after a couple weeks or a month it should be alright.
Anyway, if I was you I would rent them both (at different times) and play through the campaigns on normal. Be sure you have about 15 hours to dedicate to playing each gamethough becausethats roughly howlong ittakes to complete the single player portions. Then maybe give the multiplayer a whirl in Halo 2 in order to get your feet wet.
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