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To the OP:
While I do love Halo 3 and still play it constantly, I do not consider it the greatest FPS of all time. I grew up playing Wolfenstein, and then Doom, and then Duke Nukem. I can still remember the first time we hooked up for PC's to play the first Deathmatch of my life on Doom. It was unforgettable. But Halo is a great shooter, and fun to play online. What I don't get is why so many people hate just because other people like it.
In 1998 Sierra released, what in my opinion, was the best first-person shooter at the time. It was definitely groundbreaking, and they made a truly spectacular game. That title was called Half Life. If you want to talk about where Halo 3 has gotten all of its ideas! In Half-Life, one of the creatures is called head crabs, which coincidently looks almost exactly like what the flood looks like in Halo. Copy Cats! They couldn't even come up with an original design!
to the guy who said the level i was on wtf does it matter? the level you are on does not stop you from posting what you want. oh and to those who think this was copy and paste it was not i wrote this on my notepad then got it all on this forum duhdartdragoonpwn
your level doesnt really matter but ur sony fanboy stink definatly does says u only own ps2 games... possibly a bit o jealousy
to the guy who said the level i was on wtf does it matter? the level you are on does not stop you from posting what you want. oh and to those who think this was copy and paste it was not i wrote this on my notepad then got it all on this forum duhdartdragoonpwn
Please, if all you want to do is stir up trouble, do it here.
Sorry, have to agree with the OP. Halo isn't some groundbreaking amazing competitive FPS. It's extremely derivative.
When the first Halo came out a few of my friends were hyping it up... calling me constantly "Dude, you have GOT to come over tonight!! We're having a Halo party man! Hooking up the Xbox's... it's so much fun!" So finally I broke down and went over one night... ready for the gaming experience of my life. Except, it wasn't that good. It was like Goldeneye if Godeneye wasn't has fun but had slightly better graphics.
Yeah, once you get in the upper levels it takes SO much skill to be good at Halo! You have to know WHEN to say "Your mom" and when to scream "You're a f@g!" or "Pwned you!!! Teabags!!" and when to run around singing 50 cent into your microphone. Halo is overrated as hell, and the only thing worse than the games themselves are the little brats it attracts. I've run into a few of the little ba$tards on COD 4 (a vastly superior multiplayer experience, by the way) but not even a fraction of the amount on the Halo games.
When the Goldeneye remake comes on on XBLA I'll be thrilled... hopefully all the little kiddies will stick with Halo where they belong.
Sorry, have to agree with the OP. Halo isn't some groundbreaking amazing competitive FPS. It's extremely derivative.
When the first Halo came out a few of my friends were hyping it up... calling me constantly "Dude, you have GOT to come over tonight!! We're having a Halo party man! Hooking up the Xbox's... it's so much fun!" So finally I broke down...
thats the mistake people made. hype can be a killer..sure M$ advertised it as beeing THE EPIC HALO FINISH THE FIGHT OMG game, and it wasnt for most people.. I for one didnt hype halo3, I just thought of it as the last halo game in the series and i really enjoyed it. both story and Multiplayer with new features like forge, theather, ingame photoshoots etc. Its definitly not the best game ever but its very fun and felt new to me.
since i'm getting banned anyways, the op is an awful, awful person for
1. declaring his own topic "a must read"
2. having a kingdom hearts avatar (it took me a while to figure out which generic anime crap it was from, but i counted the spikes in his hair)
3. having "pwn" in his name
4. reiterating what more intelligent, less conceited people have been saying for years
5. i'm going to put a witty comment about barack obama here or something i'll be the clown of the town with those forum guys
bye dudes.
[QUOTE="sgpicker"]shut up noob Halo 3 is the best game out for the 360 right now. It will last 3 years like Halo 2 or longer and remain the most played game on xbox live. Everyone get off Call of Duty 4 gay and play a real game that requires true skill and a game that has auto updates. They don't just move on to the next game to make money on.decepticondevil
"Shut up noob", "Everyone get off Call of Duty 4 gay"....
Yeah, I bet you're 12 and have a little chipmunk voice, and you run around saying that the whole game too. "You're gay Noob!!"
Please, stick to Halo and leave games like COD to the grown-ups, k?
yeah last time I played a halo3 ranked match it felt like beeing a guest in the muppetshow with kermit on my right and miss piggy on my left..muppets never said N00b tho:|
back ontopic, Im saying what i said before. I guess most people that dislike halo were hyping it too much and had high expectations mainly caused by the advertisments and fanboys..again, Hype can be a killer
I think you're undermining the original halo. That game was groundbreaking. I have to disagree with you on that one.
I did not think halo 3 was special at all. It was a replica with face lift. That's it. I lived on a college campus when it came out, and you knew who the true gamers weren't buy how they reacted to halo 3. They all thought that halo was still this super cool, unique game, but it wasn't at all. It's just a fad.
[QUOTE="dartdragoonpwn"]You know what one thing that gets me going more than anything is when Xbox 360 players say that Halo 3 is the best first-person shooter ever made. I have to say you guys are crazy first off, you have to be completely ignorant of the very history of the first-person shooter. Just because it was made for an Xbox does not make it the best first-person shooter ever. So I'm going to teach you guys a little bit on why Halo 3 sucks, how it's not an original game, and how there isn't anything special about Halo 3. It's just a carbon copy of the normal first-person shooter games. So first off, just to show you exactly how ignorant you are, let's start at the beginning,
The very first, really big first-person shooter was Wolfenstein 3D. If you want to talk about groundbreaking then Wolfenstein 3D was definitely the most groundbreaking of the first-person shooters. It is literally in the grandpa of the first-person shooter genre, what's Awesome is the fact that IDSoft couldn't leave this stuff alone, so the very following year they brought out Doom.
These two are the games that literally the entire industry is now built upon. Without these key games the industry would have gone nowhere, but we also wouldn't have to put up with the cheap imitations like Halo 3.
True 3-D
Now, if you think about it, Wolfenstein 3D and Doom really weren't 3D games. The next really big game that was released, also by IDSoft, was Duke Nukem 3D. Again not really a 3D game, it used a lot of 2D tricks to give it the appearance of being a 3D game, but we really didn't get a true 3D game until Quake came along.
This was way beyond what we had ever experienced before and it was so cool! Quake was built off of polygon graphics, not 2D sprites. You could literally look at all sides of an enemy. The other beautiful thing about Quake is that IDSoft actually encouraged user made modifications, where a user could come in at any given point in time and change how the game reacted, or add new maps.(I don't see Halo 3 being able to do that!)
Now I know you're probably thinking that it was a first when it came to console games. Again that's just not true.
If we want to talk about a console game that truly broke ground in the genre, as far as the first-person shooter is concerned, you better start looking towards Nintendo and for a game called Goldeneye 007. Sure is a game that truly gives you the multiplayer ability that the consoles have, but again the PC has always had better first-person shooters.
In 1998 Sierra released, what in my opinion, was the best first-person shooter at the time. It was definitely groundbreaking, and they made a truly spectacular game. That title was called Half Life. If you want to talk about where Halo 3 has gotten all of its ideas! In Half-Life, one of the creatures is called head crabs, which coincidently looks almost exactly like what the flood looks like in Halo. Copy Cats! They couldn't even come up with an original design!
If you don't believe me just go pick up the High-Resolution pack of Half-Life. You will see that this is a game that has been around long, long before Halo ever thought of being made. And almost all of the ideas that Bungee got for their game came almost directly from Half-Life. Almost all of the content of Halo has was ripped almost completely out of Half-Life.
People talk about how in Halo you have the ability to drive vehicles. Well that sort of stuff has been around for ages too, Unreal Tournament 2004 had vehicles. They also had capture the flag and better yet assault game modes.
Just saying in conclusion, Halo fan boys, do not bother to claim your sub-par game is the best game in the world, it just shows how truly ignorant you are. The story, the graphics and the game play are absolutely nothing new. So before you start getting on my case about what I've said, I hope that you do your homework, and don't come to with me with irrational claims. The simple fact is that Halo doesn't do anything new and doesn't advance the genre at all.
Halo would be nothing without its predecessors, and proper respect should be paid to them. So all you Fan boys out there, do your home work, and realize that Halo is not the end all, be all, of first-person shooters. There are many, much better games out there.
Don't believe me? Go play Half-Life 2 because that is a game that is truly amazing and is really pushing the limits . One that has earned more than 40 Game of the Year Awards, and is a true groundbreaker and a leader in the industry.
What are you 5? Putting word in peoples mouth is really going to change their opinions. I played Half life 2 and is not all that. Morgan Freemen is the most boring character I've ever played. I was happy everytime I died.
Halo is not the greatest first person shooter but is a very entertaining one. Halo was never about revolution or innovation, it was about entertainment. Bungie never said we will change the way people look and play first person shooters. The provided probably one of the most polished games out there. If you call Half-Life the leader in the industry, how do you mean? I don't remember people making a line at midnight trying to get the game nor do I remember reading an article on how it made over $170 million in one day. Now that a leader in the industry.
Next time you call someone "ignorant" check yourself at the door and watch your manners. We are not you parents nor your friends. Also, coping and pasting is not going to make any smarter. Just FYI the greatest game ever created is not based on facts is based on opinions. Little pr***
chief_527 is rightTo tell you the truth I dont care what you think. And do you know were the NORMAL FPS came from thats right halo 1. halo 1 made fps shooters a mainstream video game genre it set the standard for controls sound graphics and story. So when yo say that bungie just copyed everyone else your wrong because everyone else copyed bungie. This is the reason so many people complain about halo being NORMAL, just because halo stuck with what it started with and other people made it normal does not mean there game sucks it just means its the best of the NORMAL FPS.
So please keep your OPINION to yourself because halo is my favorite game and will remaine that way because I doubt anouther game will cause me to get that excited and that pumped to play it.
To tell you the truth I dont care what you think. And do you know were the NORMAL FPS came from thats right halo 1. halo 1 made fps shooters a mainstream video game genre it set the standard for controls sound graphics and story. So when yo say that bungie just copyed everyone else your wrong because everyone else copyed bungie. This is the reason so many people complain about halo being NORMAL, just because halo stuck with what it started with and other people made it normal does not mean there game sucks it just means its the best of the NORMAL FPS.
So please keep your OPINION to yourself because halo is my favorite game and will remaine that way because I doubt anouther game will cause me to get that excited and that pumped to play it.
actually it was quake III
[QUOTE="davidtabor5"]To tell you the truth I dont care what you think. And do you know were the NORMAL FPS came from thats right halo 1. halo 1 made fps shooters a mainstream video game genre it set the standard for controls sound graphics and story. So when yo say that bungie just copyed everyone else your wrong because everyone else copyed bungie. This is the reason so many people complain about halo being NORMAL, just because halo stuck with what it started with and other people made it normal does not mean there game sucks it just means its the best of the NORMAL FPS.
So please keep your OPINION to yourself because halo is my favorite game and will remaine that way because I doubt anouther game will cause me to get that excited and that pumped to play it.
actually it was quake III
as in being popular
Halo 3, by far doesn't SUCK. Nor is bungie being 'ignorant'. Mainly, it's the gamers that get halo 3 stuck up it's own but. But I terribly agree, this series isn't extremely original. They just made a game that had everything that gamers wanted, and nothing else, and that's why it's so popular today.
I don't really agree with the fact that you say Halo and only Halo is a copy. Technically Half-life, counterstrike, TF2, Gears of War, bioshock, basically ANY first person shooter has roots with wolfenstein 3D and DOOM. They're all copies, halo just seems to be the one that's done less to re-invent the game, but instead just adding more features (matchmaking, forge, recording games, etc.). It would have made me happier if they made more strides in changing gameplay in Halo 3 from halo 2. Basically all they did was add a couple more weapons, game styles (which some people don't even bother trying to play, they jsut kill people...-.-) and power-ups. Plus there's the fact that the story is by far interesting...People say the multiplayer excuses it. But me, like several people, don't want to be shelling out our cash for a game that's half completed.
Personally, I prefer Gears of War, Team Fortress 2, Unreal Tournament III, Call of Duty 4, or Turok. Halo's gamers need to quit overreacting by saying it's the best thing ever when the game hasn't made any revolutionary changes to first person shooters.
kk how long this game been out? think about every knows this game is just a OK game while u have frineds to play with its really boreing if u got no one to play with k2theswissAgreed, The only time I play Halo is when i have other people to play with (preferably on the same console)
[QUOTE="amscheip1"][QUOTE="davidtabor5"]To tell you the truth I dont care what you think. And do you know were the NORMAL FPS came from thats right halo 1. halo 1 made fps shooters a mainstream video game genre it set the standard for controls sound graphics and story. So when yo say that bungie just copyed everyone else your wrong because everyone else copyed bungie. This is the reason so many people complain about halo being NORMAL, just because halo stuck with what it started with and other people made it normal does not mean there game sucks it just means its the best of the NORMAL FPS.
So please keep your OPINION to yourself because halo is my favorite game and will remaine that way because I doubt anouther game will cause me to get that excited and that pumped to play it.
actually it was quake III
as in being popular Actually it wasnt, do you know anybody that dosnt play video games that even knows what quake is probably not. but if you ask them what halo is they will have heard of it.Please Log In to post.
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