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This a design choice, they designed it to be around 16 players for a specific type of gameplay.
Now some of you say just make it 32 and you'll still have 16 player servers. That doesn't work. You'd have to redesign everything to work well with 32 players, so then those same levels switched to 16 playes will not work as well as if they were all designed for 16 players. You have to focus on one or have twice as many maps or half designed for 16 and half designed for 32.
Just accept they made it 16 for a reason and that the gameplay should be awesome focused around that.
i have 'played Perfect Dark zero with 32 players
and i loved it, yeah is a total caos, but dahhhh is a FPS chaos is supposed to be a part of the game
Halo 3 only 16?
meeeh i was expecting at least 32 people
o well picking up Eternal Sonata this weekend, ill stick with Saints Row online for a while
BTW GoW online = lame
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Why can't the 360 get more shooters that are 32 players +?
I am really dissapointed halo will still only be a 16 player game.
CoD 4 Beta is only 12 people! I wont even buy it for the 360 and will just wait until next year to play it on a new PC when I get one.
360 has brought console shooters a long way, but until these MP games start sporting a lot more people then 16 it still feels like kid stuff compared to PC gaming. To bad my current PC cant handle any of the new games coming out.
can you explain how more players = better?
no kidding. more players makes games worse if you ask me. plus if you've ever tried to play a game w/ more than 16 ppl with voice you know how annoying it can be. MuffinPunk also states the reasons it suckslol saints row online? that game was unplayable.i have 'played Perfect Dark zero with 32 players
and i loved it, yeah is a total caos, but dahhhh is a FPS chaos is supposed to be a part of the game
Halo 3 only 16?
meeeh i was expecting at least 32 people
o well picking up Eternal Sonata this weekend, ill stick with Saints Row online for a while
BTW GoW online = lame
32=Complete chaos. You'll spawn, move die, spawn, move, die, spawn, hide, kill, then die. It make the games more tacical if you have 16 or less people. I think 16 is perfect.MuffinPunk
thats true and its also why i only play in cs servers that have less that 6 on each team.
[QUOTE="ItalStallion777"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Why can't the 360 get more shooters that are 32 players +?
I am really dissapointed halo will still only be a 16 player game.
CoD 4 Beta is only 12 people! I wont even buy it for the 360 and will just wait until next year to play it on a new PC when I get one.
360 has brought console shooters a long way, but until these MP games start sporting a lot more people then 16 it still feels like kid stuff compared to PC gaming. To bad my current PC cant handle any of the new games coming out.
can you explain how more players = better?
no kidding. more players makes games worse if you ask me. plus if you've ever tried to play a game w/ more than 16 ppl with voice you know how annoying it can be. MuffinPunk also states the reasons it sucksI get the impression most of you have never actually played a PC shooter.
Voice chat has been standard for a few years with PC shooters its never a problem even with 40+ people.
The BF2 voice chat and squad system rocked. You played like a 6 player team..... in an online war not an online skrimish.
[QUOTE="klusps"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="SouL-Tak3R"]They said it wouldn't be as fun.
Bungie thought about this already, it would ruin Halo.
16 players = good
Just have to disagree with them. Considering the scop of the SP games.... massive battles? epic battles? having squad sized online play doesnt jive with that for me.
Seems like bungie just couldnt balance a game for that many people and thats to bad.
To be honest it also seems like bungie is content to go with what they know works, and not press the game forward....
In a world where I can play a ton of great games on a much larger scal 16 feels like living in wyoming must feel like.
Well this is the last game of the trilogy so they don't want to mess anything up. If they had a chose to do 16 or more players then I think they would of probably did that with Halo 2, but they chose not to. I say just keep with the old formula(which is already perfect) then risking a chance to ruin the multiplayer or making it not as fun as Halo 2.
This will get the thread off in a totally diff driection probably but..... do you think this is the last Halo... or the last game in a story line?
I find it hard to believe MS can walk away from halo when the trilogy is over.
Seems like only PC gamers are the ones whining... were not so different you and I. The fact is that consoles without dedicated servers will either lag horribly, get incredibly annoying with 32 people talking at once, be way to chaotic to play due to constant respawns and massive amounts of fire going on, or it just wouldnt be as tacticul.
Now I played PC shooters, and for the most part I liked alot of people in servers, like death match. But after a while I realized that less is more, things get to chaotic and turn into a game of luck. Because if you see someone first then your going to get the kill if your even half way decent. Plus like someone said before, these maps were built for 16 players, and Bungie worked damn hard to make this game lag free and compatible with 16 people. So don't complain, or just go back to PC shooters, your call.
Seems like only PC gamers are the ones whining... were not so different you and I. The fact is that consoles without dedicated servers will either lag horribly, get incredibly annoying with 32 people talking at once, be way to chaotic to play due to constant respawns and massive amounts of fire going on, or it just wouldnt be as tacticul.
Now I played PC shooters, and for the most part I liked alot of people in servers, like death match. But after a while I realized that less is more, things get to chaotic and turn into a game of luck. Because if you see someone first then your going to get the kill if your even half way decent. Plus like someone said before, these maps were built for 16 players, and Bungie worked damn hard to make this game lag free and compatible with 16 people. So don't complain, or just go back to PC shooters, your call.
I am whining becouse I am not a PC gamer atm.
My PC finaly up and died and cant handle the new stuff (4 year old PC) and when I turned to the next gen consoles that are much more powerfull then my current PC... I find consoles are still lagging behind no matter how powerfull they are.
PC's are always going to be more powerful..... If your can afford themTheDanwich
I was really dissapointed to discover my aging, almost dead PC, still offers up a superioir online FPS exp. then the new consoles. I switched PC about 4 years ago and havent looked back till now... so the 360 is way more powerfull then my PC... and still offers up a pathetic number of players for the online shooters. Sad.
16 for Halo 3 is very good, might be perfect.32 players is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much.If it was 32 players it wouldn't really be fun as 16 because it makes it more tactical and you can do more things easily.alamgir1942
I disagree fewer make it more tactical. More open space on the map just allows you to move more freely.
Seems like console gamers just dont want to face greater odds... they prefer to be able move around un hindered by enemy fire. Making tactical deployment of you and your friends much less important.
[QUOTE="Zcrimson07"][QUOTE="ItalStallion777"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Why can't the 360 get more shooters that are 32 players +?
I am really dissapointed halo will still only be a 16 player game.
CoD 4 Beta is only 12 people! I wont even buy it for the 360 and will just wait until next year to play it on a new PC when I get one.
360 has brought console shooters a long way, but until these MP games start sporting a lot more people then 16 it still feels like kid stuff compared to PC gaming. To bad my current PC cant handle any of the new games coming out.
can you explain how more players = better?
no kidding. more players makes games worse if you ask me. plus if you've ever tried to play a game w/ more than 16 ppl with voice you know how annoying it can be. MuffinPunk also states the reasons it sucksI get the impression most of you have never actually played a PC shooter.
Voice chat has been standard for a few years with PC shooters its never a problem even with 40+ people.
The BF2 voice chat and squad system rocked. You played like a 6 player team..... in an online war not an online skrimish.
I have played bf2 and that sound system was done right... but have you ever played Halo??? If you have any idea how the Halo communtiy is then you DO NOT want that many pre-teen skweek voices yelling at once... it would make many a ear bleed.
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Why can't the 360 get more shooters that are 32 players +?
I am really dissapointed halo will still only be a 16 player game.
CoD 4 Beta is only 12 people! I wont even buy it for the 360 and will just wait until next year to play it on a new PC when I get one.
360 has brought console shooters a long way, but until these MP games start sporting a lot more people then 16 it still feels like kid stuff compared to PC gaming. To bad my current PC cant handle any of the new games coming out.
can you explain how more players = better?
exactly, more player can actually equal worse, espeshally in a game like halo.
is there split screen 2-4 players off line?mariokart64fan
Yes there is however with the offline co-op you can only do 2 players, while the online supports 4.
[QUOTE="ItalStallion777"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Why can't the 360 get more shooters that are 32 players +?
I am really dissapointed halo will still only be a 16 player game.
CoD 4 Beta is only 12 people! I wont even buy it for the 360 and will just wait until next year to play it on a new PC when I get one.
360 has brought console shooters a long way, but until these MP games start sporting a lot more people then 16 it still feels like kid stuff compared to PC gaming. To bad my current PC cant handle any of the new games coming out.
can you explain how more players = better?
More is better becouse it feels more like an actual battle and not just a skirmish.
I really think most console gamers just cant handle it. Considering the amount of crying I hear over XBL I will just stop asking why and take it for what it is.
Console gamers in this thread have brought up the tactical nature of small team games. I think they are just the types who cry when they get dusted and werent expecting it.
Becouse its true... when you hop into a game of CoD on the PC you cant just run out in the open ever.... every time you move from cover to cover you need to be capable of checking your six and kinds of crap consoles gamers dont like...
Tactics for halo = first person to the RL or sword or something.... the fewer enemy your avg. hardcore shooter player on the console has to deal with the better.Becouse if they dont have time to set up and get cozy with what they normaly do during a match its just to many people around and its all just luck.....
Maybe next generation of consoles can catch up tot he PC but it looks more like the attitude then any kind of tech problem.
Not all games work well with massive amounts of players...;| AtomicBaconBits
Agreed. I couldn't even stand 16 player games on Halo 2. If you're making a game with 32+, you need to do something like Battlefield and add a class system and team coordination. Thiry-two on Halo 3 would just be a bunch of n00bs running around throwing stickies and shooting dual SMGs like idiots. Not a fun time at all.
Why can't the 360 get more shooters that are 32 players +?
I am really dissapointed halo will still only be a 16 player game.
CoD 4 Beta is only 12 people! I wont even buy it for the 360 and will just wait until next year to play it on a new PC when I get one.
360 has brought console shooters a long way, but until these MP games start sporting a lot more people then 16 it still feels like kid stuff compared to PC gaming. To bad my current PC cant handle any of the new games coming out.
32 players online doesn't equal a better game overall, keep it at 12-16, playing online with 32 players im isn't that good exp at all.
[QUOTE="Taijiquan"]Mainly it is Microsoft being jerks. We are paying for a P2P file hosting service..... Lame. If they opened the network up and allowed people to host dedicated servers they could run servers with 64 players on maps like BF2. Coyo7e
The fact that it was p2p always concerned me.
I was runnig the tunnel software people made for halo 1 so you could play online and it was p2p. I still remember when I found out that when xbl came out it would be a p2p service.
If there is one game that they should have made servers for its Halo.
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