Tiger Woods, Fifa 08, and Madden - Can't give you a fair opinion on this. I hate sports games. If you wanna play football, go outside and play football.
MoH Airborne: Not so sure if this one will be good. I might get it, but its not a top priority. I was a MoH fan back in the days of Allied Assault, but the rest of the games have been crap. This game does seem to raise the bar for Medal of Honor, with pretty good graphics and a completely new AI system, but from the gameplay videos I've seen, it might play like some of the more recent MoH games. But there's no way to tell for sure, so maybe you should rent this one first, then buy it if you like it.
GHIII: Depends on you. When Rock Band comes out, this game just might be completely ignored. But Rock band seems more like something that a group of people would have to get together, since it could cost over $300 to get everything you need for it. If you're more of a casual GH player, like me, GHIII will be a better choice. If you've got lots of friends that would help pay for Rock Band and will have time to play it with you, go for that.
Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3: There's no "or" here. These are both must-have games. Some say they're overhyped, which may be a bit true, but their single-player modes seem to be extremely deep. I, personally, can't wait to find out how the Halo series ends. CoD 4 also seems, from previews I've seen, to have an extremely deep single-player campaign for a war-based FPS. Combine that with the limitless fun of Xbox Live for both those games, and you've got two great games that will never leave your 360 for very long.
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