nothin is wrong your a 22 thats a fact. the system works well. dont matter about mvp that dont come into play read the above what that guy copied and psated from the bungie site. its all about expectations. if it expects you to win or loose and you do then it adds confidence to the number its given you. if you loose when expected to win then it questions the number with a view to knocking it down if you loose another game ur expected to win. but if you win games ur expected to loose then it removes confidence and is looking at promoting you to the next number if you keep on performing better than ur expectations. the game matches you up with similar skilled people so it can make ranking up harder if you get lower people as ur expected to beat them. but it also takes into account if it has confidence in they ranking.
but the system isnt broke your defineattly a 22 if you played lots off matches and thats the highest it goes.
you would need a new gamertag to get rid of your ranks. but if you could delete it then it wudnt help you get past 22, because you need to improove at halo to get to the higher ranks., as it is your playing against other people arond the 22 mark so your meant to beat them if they on similar or lower scores and it wont help that much to ur ranking unless you always win.
theys no system where u win x amount of games in a row and it goes up. you just probally noticed it was going up when you were on the poorer ranks. playing people on poorer skill levels than you. as the system wont of had much confidence in ur rating as you will of been performing much higher than expectations for that skill rank so you will of ranked up much faster. but now i think your playing at your level and winning games you should be winning and that wont boost ur skill rank unless u win near enough every match.
i think you hit about where ur rank is, its not like other games where the rank number is just pure exp, its a trueskill rank so it can go up and down at any time. i think you just are a begginign on the 20s player. have a look on the leaderboards and see where you are in the complete lists . then look on the skill chart showing how many people are at each rank. the 20s are for the experanced average players and where the majority is. if your no where near the top or bottom of the leaderboards then your probally at the right rank. the fact you have 2 ranks similar numbers just prooves it,. play lone wolves then ur team mates wont affect your ranking up and see what you get at on ur own. espeially if u got a empty or low rank then u can see for ur self if its ur team mates performances holding you back or if you are a streaight out 22
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