I have had my 360 since launch day in the UK dec 6th 05(somewhere around then).
from the first day i got it i purchased XBL with my credit card and for over two years my card was on there system, i bought plenty of points and i have never had a problem with, no extra charges no fraud, it's fine.
Also when i wanted to change from my credit card to my debit card i just added a new card but getting rid of your old one is a very small hassle but a hassle non the less, i had to go onto microsoft.com sign in etc go through several pages before removing my old CC, i didnt have to ring them etc, it would have been easier if i could have just removed it from my 360 but in the end it was 10 mins of my time to remove it, i have heard several people say "it's impossible to take your CC details off live" and i can only comment on my expierence and i think it's fine not much different from emoving your card from other websites.
Also if you use a card i suggest a password for logging into your 360, i have been using a password from day 1, you can set a password on your 360 using your game pad, a combination of any four buttons, just a little extra secruity incase anybody gets your log in info.
IMO it's easier to use a CC then have to get a pre-paid card every time you want to buy an XBLA title, just my opinion.
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