It all comes down to how well you treat your console, how long you play it per day, how you put it, how you treat it.
My one broke when my house blacked out.Alpha172
I don't think it matter how much you play the 360, my first one was a launch 360 and it broke in less than a year, it had the three red lights, after that I got a replacment and three red lights out of the box, did not even get to play it, then I got another and the DVD drive packed it in on it and now I am waiting for another replacment, 3+ weeks now, and I hardly have time to play the thing.
Plus god only knows what people did to the replacment units you get.
Also to answer your question about standing the system up or laying it down, i always staand mine up, my brother on the other hand lays his down, and he plays a lot of games and has only had one problem with the three red lights and got it repaired so it may be better to lay the system down if you play a lot
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