I got a 360 in August '06 with Dead Rising. I didn't get a new game until Halo 3 came out, and then I got Oblivion in July '08. Now, thanks to Fallout 3 (which I purchased at the end of January '09) and my decision to FINALLY start my 1 month trial on Xbox Live (due to the acquisition of a stable internet connection), I have a newfound love for my 360. I am trying to catch up on all the great games. In the past 6 weeks I've bought The Orange Box, Skate, Mirror's Edge, Left 4 Dead (which prompted me to buy the Live headset), Gears of War, and of course Fallout 3. They've all completely blown me away and in that short amount of time, my gamerscore shot from 900 to 2600 and I've become completely addicted to 360 gaming. I used to be an avid Wii supporter, and I still am, but until my love for achievements dies down (lolwut), I'm going to be playing my 360 for a long time. But of course, the opportunity to get a new game keeps presenting itself. So, I only have one question (and after that question I will have another question).
What should my next game be?
I have:
Perfect Dark Zero
Dead Rising
Halo 3
Gears of War
LOST Via Domus
Fallout 3
Left 4 Dead
Mirror's Edge
The Orange Box
I have always wanted to get Banjo Kazooie, GTA IV (especially now that it is $25 at Gamestop, and Lost & Damned is out), Bioshock, Fable II, and Dead Space. I have also been interested in FarCry 2 and Too Human (omg it got a 7 from two dudes, dat means it sucks).
So now you may ignore this next question because I am asking for a lot here (see what I did there)...So they upgraded the 360s recently (or not too recently) so that the Falcon-whatever is quieter...or whatever. I play 360 deep into the night and I live in a single college dorm room with a roommate (meaning that the loud humming noise may disturb him...although he has not complained about it yet_. Plus, my 20GB hard drive is almost full and I want to install games to the HDD. AND...my 360 occasionally gets the E 68 error which means that there is something wrong with the HDD. Nothing a restart or two can't fix, but it still scares me and adds to the amount of time before I can play a game. Is this reason enough to get a new 360, especially since an Elite console is the same price now as my Pro console was 2 and a half years ago?
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