Dude, stop lying to yourself, people are answering your question and your just blowing it off. Mw1>mw2, because of camping, killstreaks, glitching, grenade launchers, maps,and most importantly lack of recoil on guns.
There are no facts about why mw1 was better, it is an opinion, so don't ask for facts, but I will elaborate.
The biggest problem with mw2, in my opinion, is lack of recoil. It just doesnt make the guns feel right. With no recoil, it just becomes a game of just point and shoot, unlike mw1 where you had to control your gun more. Also, this makes the guns very powerful, if you stick your head out for two seconds, your dead. All this means mw2 becomes a defensive game, which leads to camping and games aren't fun when you have to play defensively. It also means that you have to use the acr scar-h, or an m16and stoppong power to be good in the game, and I dont like that.The whole multiplayer is just based on reaction time, and that is not fun either.
Also, you have the people who have to glitch or abuse the grenade launcher to be good at that game. Nothing is more frustrating than when your right about to get the kill just to have the guy turn around and noob tube you. Then there is the glitches, such as the javelin glitch or the care package glitch, however IW is actually doing something about that, so it isn't as much of a problem now. Lastly, there are the killstreaks. When peoplee get more kills with killstreaks than with actually shooting people, there is a problem.
MW2 has a lot of problems, but its still a great game, with huge amount of potential. If IW would have just increased the recoil on guns, I think they can solve so many problems, such as camping.
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