How much do you enjoy achievments?
How do you feel they have changed gaming?
How far do you go to get achievments?
What would you change about the achievment system?
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How much do you enjoy achievments?
How do you feel they have changed gaming?
How far do you go to get achievments?
What would you change about the achievment system?
I like them this much (-----:)------)
And I would like to be able to buy things from the marketplace with them, but the third party companies would never allow it.
I enjoy them
I play my games longer now, I guess I better way I could put that is, I get more for my money
no farther than my tv
nothing really
How much do you enjoy achievments?
How do you feel they have changed gaming?
How far do you go to get achievments?
What would you change about the achievment system?
I hate them for online multiplayer games, they break the combat flow. Gears of war is the best example. Everyone fights over who gets what weapon for the achievement, not who will bring the most to the team by using it. So if I'm playing at Rooftops I always grab it because I know I will get 15 kills in a 7 round match with it. I do not go out of my way to get achievements that aren't fun, I only play games for the fun factor, not for what my score looks like. I think it is stupid to care about a score that is truly meaningless. I feel they have negatively affected gaming in some areas, but in single player only games I feel that they have extended the life of the game. Offering achievements for side-quests that normally wouldn't have been completed is a great way to extend the life of an RPG past the story being completed. If I could change the achievement system, I would get rid of the points and just give achievements based on difficulty, much like the PS3 Trophy system, and eliminate online achievements completely. I really don't see a need to ruin a fun multiplayer by adding silly achievements online.
How much do you enjoy achievments?
How do you feel they have changed gaming?
How far do you go to get achievments?
What would you change about the achievment system?
the only achievement i enjoyed was mile high club cause it took me a whole games duration to get it, at least now i can play with the big boys.:D
I think they are a great asset to the gaming experience
I think it would be a good idea if you could use them for xchange for stuff.
I really do believe they make Gaming more fun.
Like when you complete a really hard mission on a really hard level you can prove to you're friends that you did it! And also that warm, fuzzy feeling you get inside when you achieve something; even if its like; 5G or something :)
But the lamest thing ever, is when people sell their own time on EBay to help people get Gamer Score. It's like WTH?! It just sucks the fun out of, and demeans the point of fulfilling achievements!!:evil:
I really enjoy getting the achievements because they make me spend more time playing the games and have me do things that I normally wouldn't through a normal playthrough. I have gone way out of my way for some acheivements. For instance, I do not think that I would have ran over 53,000 zombies in DR if it didn't give me 20 points. They have definately changed the way that I play my games, but I do not think that is the case for most people.
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Nobody cares about the overall score, what matters more is the individual game, thats where the braggin rights come from. Halo 3 has the best achievement system so far, but in general, it can make even finished games worth playing again.
For example i hated Bioshock, and got 1000/1000 first time, but i deleted my save files as they took a lot of space. Once the patch came, i started the game again, as i could play through it again to try appreciate it more, but also bag 100 points
I like achievements. It's gives you an extra avenue to enjoy your gaming.
Having said that, I agree with some of luigismansion's post. This part:
I hate them for online multiplayer games, they break the combat flow. Gears of war is the best example. Everyone fights over who gets what weapon for the achievement, not who will bring the most to the team by using it.
Yeah, I feel that. I play a lot of Team Fortress, and on the rare occassion I have someone I don't know on my team, they're often behaving in a tactically unsuitable fashion for the sake of achievements. This problem could be solved by limiting multiplayer achievements to indicators of progress, i.e. "Kill 1,000 enemies."
This I don't agree with:
I only play games for the fun factor, not for what my score looks like. I think it is stupid to care about a score that is truly meaningless.
A score that is meaningless? As opposed to all the meaningful things you accomplish in your gaming? The score's meaningful if it's meaningful to the player. And as for not playing for your score, you know that pretty much all early games had no other objective than to get a high score? Going through the plot of an RPG, or being high on the leaderboards in a shooter isn't any more or less meangingful than having a high Gamerscore. What's meaningful is whatever you have a good time doing.
You try hard to get achievments, but what are you really achieving if you get no rewards in return?
What do you achieve from gaming in general? Except for the tiny, tiny percentage of gamers who are actually able to make a tiny amount of money from their gaming skills, gaming accomplishes nothing. That is, other than having a good time, which is what achievements do for some people.
It does give replay value but its also waste of time there just points and people make a big deal about themThEmAk_XD
Thats because you earn them and people who spend extra time getting them get bragging rights!! Which is cool! Plus it lets you know who is a serious gamer and how far they take there gaming serious! Me like achievments :P ;) 8)
I like achievements. It's gives you an extra avenue to enjoy your gaming.
Having said that, I agree with some of luigismansion's post. This part:
I hate them for online multiplayer games, they break the combat flow. Gears of war is the best example. Everyone fights over who gets what weapon for the achievement, not who will bring the most to the team by using it.
Yeah, I feel that. I play a lot of Team Fortress, and on the rare occassion I have someone I don't know on my team, they're often behaving in a tactically unsuitable fashion for the sake of achievements. This problem could be solved by limiting multiplayer achievements to indicators of progress, i.e. "Kill 1,000 enemies."
This I don't agree with:
I only play games for the fun factor, not for what my score looks like. I think it is stupid to care about a score that is truly meaningless.
A score that is meaningless? As opposed to all the meaningful things you accomplish in your gaming? The score's meaningful if it's meaningful to the player. And as for not playing for your score, you know that pretty much all early games had no other objective than to get a high score? Going through the plot of an RPG, or being high on the leaderboards in a shooter isn't any more or less meangingful than having a high Gamerscore. What's meaningful is whatever you have a good time doing.
I like it when online games have achievements like GTA IV and BF BC they are easy and nobody trys to have matches where they ask you for achievementsI like Achievements a lot, they changed gaming because they are the new Hi-score or leader board and they add replay value. They only thing I would change about Achievements is that you would be able to purchase things form the Market Place from having so many, I would think it would require a lot to purchase things but thats fine it would reward gamers for supporting the games and the console.
MS said that with the update you will be rewarded with clothing for your avatar for getting Achievements.:D
I think that achievements are a good thing overall. They give a replay value to some games that wouldn't be there without them. They also give a play value to some games too. For example, I bought Mass Effect and was immediately dissapointed with it. Without the lust for Achievements, I'd have traded it in after 2 hours of play but the drive to get as many gamerpoints as possible made me at least play it through once.
On the downside of Achievements, I also own a PS3 which has an inch layer of dust on it as it hasn't been switched on in months as there are no rewards gained from playing games on it. If a game is available for both machines, its going to be the 360 version everytime purely for the added attraction of the Achievements.
I think achievements are brilliant and they are one of the reasons why i much prefer the 360 over the ps3 (although the ps3 has its own achievement style system- not as good!)
They can dramatically increase the lifespan of games and therefore you get more of your money's worth. They can also help you trudge through games that you've bought only to find you don't like them that much. They are also quite addictive as i have found managing to accumulate just over 9200 in a few months of having a 360.
I agree with what someone said about being able to purchase items from the marketplace but perhaps not for free, however maybe the more gs you have the bigger discount you get???
I think achievements are brilliant and they are one of the reasons why i much prefer the 360 over the ps3 (although the ps3 has its own achievement style system- not as good!)
They can dramatically increase the lifespan of games and therefore you get more of your money's worth. They can also help you trudge through games that you've bought only to find you don't like them that much. They are also quite addictive as i have found managing to accumulate just over 9200 in a few months of having a 360.
i tottaly agree. for me achievemnets are the biggest difference from ps3 (along with xblive) a great idea from ms and it makes you want to do new challenges etc. that you wouldn't normally do.
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