Ok, long story short. My 360 is busted (video won't show, micro$oft wants me to hand over 100 dollars) and the 360 won't work unless I do the towel trick but it will work for about a good 10 minutes before the graphic starts getting watery. Well I'm thinking about selling it on ebay with a good 14games, a 20 hdd hard drive (with a couple of arcade games), most of the games listed, I have bought downloadable content for it (including L&D for GTA); the broken 360 (including the brick and cables). How much would that get me at the most?
1. SC IV
2. GoW
3. Assassins Creed
4. GoW2
5. Fable 2 (Limited Edition)
6. Halo 3
7. Saints Row 2
8. COD 4
9. COD WoW
10. GTA IV
11. Elder Scrolls IVOblivion GOTY Edition
12. Fall Out 3
13. Ninja Gaiden 2
14. Bully: Scholarship Edition
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