Right, as some of you are going to be experts, you're going to be better at answering this than the man down the microsoft phone. Basically, when I load up FIFA 11 the game is fine and if I stay in the menu the game runs fine, if I play a game, some point between kick off and half time, the game becomes unreadable! I have checked the disc - no scratches, cleaned the laser with a special disc - no better, installed the game - no help. This is the only game my xbox does it for and I really need help as it is one of my favourite games, any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Try this, play the game with your hard drive off your 360. If the game plays fine you need to erase all the fifa 11 info off your hard drive, the game install the saved info. If the game still wont work you will need to reformat your hard drive. Go into system settings go to memory and press Y, then his format, before you do this you could try to clear the cache.
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