so me and my buddy wanna drink beer and play some video games on sunday or monday night. i need an idea for a good, relaxed (but not arcade) game that we can enjoy, but no music games like RB or GH. any ideas?
Depends, if your playing to as a drinking game, or just to hang it.
Gears of War 1 drinking game.(CO-OP)
Everytime buddy gets a curb stomp, headshot, or chainsaw. Drink With a gernade, each kill gotten with a single gernade is a drink. Every cutscene, or time marcus says, OH YEAH. Drink
Fable II pubgames. Fortunes Tower. Is a sick drinking game. (You and someone else take turns playing a hand)
Each level down the tower is a drink for the other person, if you go to far it is a drink for yourself for each level down. If person gets a jackpot, the other person has to shotgun a beer.
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