[QUOTE="sarmini"][QUOTE="truegamer10111"][QUOTE="sarmini"][QUOTE="truegamer10111"][QUOTE="mmackura"]well look at it this way... The reason why COD3 was "better" online was b/c it sucked and no one played it... and the reason why COD4 is kinda screwd online is because the servers have been screwed up for EVERYBODY... MS has acknowledged the problem and is giving away Undertow now for free... So IW didn't do anything wrong... the servers have just been screwed up b/c the game is immesly popular, and a whole bunch of people played over the Holidays... THAT is why you have lag, not because the GAME sucks, but because the servers were overloaded.
the game is definately not something I'd be using a a frisbee.
Ok thats fine, But what about everybody stats being complety ******, Basicaly the stats mean nothing now and the whole thing imo has fell apart.
Ok, thats it. You either A) Really, Really, Really Really suck at the game. B) Really Really suck. C) Really suck or D) havent played it enough to get the full value out of it. I choose the ladder.If you read my post, I have a kill death ratio of 1.89 and hit rate of 18.99% with a win ratio of like 99% wins, I dont know if these numbers suck but when you stand their and shoot someone and they dont die and turn around and shoot you, I think that might affect the whole stats system and more importantly its actually happening in 3 quarters of the games i play and i have a 8mps up and 1mps dl and its just not good enough.
Ok then, let me re-do my A-D suggestions. A) Youre connection really sucks B) Youre connection sucks C) Someone elses connection really sucks D) Youre aiming really sucks.Im not getting any problems with servers, so its probably your connection. To hate a game fore connection problems when they'll probably get it fixed soon, then thats just stupid.
My connection is 8mps download and 1mps upload, If thats not enough then i think that Ms should have the option of local servers only, This should of never happend, Its rather sloppy imo, Iw should of done what Insominiac did and reease global servers by an update becuase the way they did it was obviouly pushed to get to as many people as possible with the year window of release between Cod3 to make as much money as possible, When it comes down to it Cod4 global servers suck, Plain and simple.
Btw i dont live in the Us and this is why you might not be getting the problems..
Nobody cares buddy. Thats pretty obvious in the replies that your getting, so just go try and fix your mic that you broke because you were being a child and sit down and play your game like a good little boy and dont throw it around like a frisbee because your mom might get upset that your treating the game that she bought you out of the kindness of her heart like that.
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