This is something I have been wondering for a while now. Is DLC getting out of control? Is it being TOO controlled? At first, I thought having more content for games like Oblivion, Fallout, LBP, and Halo 3 was awesome! For fans of those games, who wouldn't want more content to add to their adventures? It's great!
Lately though, I believe some publishers are taking advantage of our DLC. The two biggest ones are Capcom and EA.
What's the first thing we think of when we say DLC? More content. Additional content to what we already have. Downloadable Content (DLC). New Content! I believe Capcom doesn't quite understand this. Lets look at RE5. When I first got RE5, it didn't have online multiplayer versus. This was available to download off of Xbox Live. However, there were reports that you weren't downloading content. You were downloading a code that would unlock THAT content from YOUR PAID disc. That's not downloadable content! That's an underhanded move. I almost bought RE5: Gold edition because it came with all the content I was expecting. However, the game only gave you a coupon to download the content! What if you take your console over to your friends' house and don't have your xbox connected to xbox live? You're screwed! That coupon for your dlc is worthless. There are still some gamers out there that do play games offline! When you advertise on the box of the game, that's what I expect to have in the game! Not a coupon to redeem over xbox live!
Now on to EA. EA published my favorite game of all time: Mass Effect 2. One day, my area had an outage and we had problems connecting to internet. It was some sort of shortage. I can't remember exactly what happened, but we had no internet for a while. During that time, I figured I would play ME2 offline. Well guess what. All that DLC I downloaded on my hard drive wouldn't work. You know why? I NEED to be on Live for that to happen. I can't even play ME2 unless I'm on Live. I can't play a different character or anything. So if I'm not on xbox live, I can't play ME2. That's so cruel and unfair!! I PAID for the dlc, it's on MY hard drive, and I have MY copy of ME2. Quit being a tightwad whenit comes to this stuff Microsoft and EA! Just because I can't be online, I can't play my game. What if I took my console over to my friends house and played it there? Unless I am connected on xbox live, I can't play my game. I can't show him my game! All my dlc I can't show all because I need to be connected to xbox live!!!
What about Madden 11?I borrowed my friend's copy to play on my xbox, guess what? I have to pay $10 if I want to play online. What bullsh*t is this? All because I didn't buy my very own copy, you want to charge me $10 just so I can play online? I was unsure if I wanted to buy it this year, so he let me borrow his copy so I could play it for a bit. I was stunned to find out this "hidden dlc". This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Is M$ and EA going to charge me everytime I connect to xbox live too?
Now what about arcade games? I downloaded games like BC: Rearmed, UNO, Carcassonne, and many other games. However, if I'm not on xbox live, I can't play them! Even though I bought them, downloaded them to my hard drive, I STILL can't play them. Why? I need to be connected to xbox live.
I just recently moved so I am awaiting someone to come out and connect me online with internet and cable. During this time though, I can't even play ME2 all because I can't be online. It's not a damaged disc that prevents me from playing. All because I have no online access, they revoke you for playing your game. DLC is getting out of control. Who cares what happens to that DLC that is paid for? You need to have the game first off to even have access to it. Secondly, I paid for it. It's not something stolen. I bought it with my M$ points. It's MY DLC. Is anyone else feeling frustrated at how publishers are trying to charge you any chance they can get? If they can make a penny profit from doing it, they'll do it!
I'm sorry this is a long post, but I would like to get other's opinions on this topic. I think this is a good topic for discussion.
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