2 months ago i purchased a 360 and it was the first console i actually worked for to buy (i have a ps2 but i got it for my birthday a couple of years back) and it felt like those long hours of telemarketing paid off. But im getting the feeling that its really old, date on the back says 2006-12-03.
I was fine with that until recently i've started getting weird bugs in games and complete lock-ups. For instance, the other day i was playing skate i saved my progress and when i came back later to load it again my character just kept falling through the floor and none of the textures were loaded only the backdrop. It occasionally locks-up on NFS:MW (also there seems to be skipping in the songs) and today while i was playing the Timeshift demo it locked up.. again.
I havent regretted my purchase, but i was wondering if anyone else is having these kinds of issues and if i should contact the store / microsoft to see if i can get a newer version?
Maybe its the DVD drive. Havent had any problem with mine though. But when I logg on to live, the blades on the dashboard would freeze on me for a minute or 2. Compared to my other friends, which is fine for them.
It is indeed your 360. I know exactly what you're talking about (has happened to 2 of my 360's), and you have a failing disc drive. My 360 used to lock up constantly, and quite a few times, I'd go to play Crackdown, textures would completely fail to load, and you'd just fall through the floor forever.
thanks a lot, i will call MS in the morning. Though isnt the disc drive thing supposed to put scratches on discs? if so i might need to check all my games :S
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