Saints Row is ok. It has some fun elements and such but it tried too hard to be gangsta and I thought it sort of took away some fun doing that. Crackdown is extremelly fun but the only downer to it is that it's short. Saints Row, for me to get as many achievements as I have for it, took me around 50 hours (activities suck.) Crackdown was probably only 20 at most to get them all but I prefer Crackdown over SR anyday.
The only reason people bought Crackdown was for the H3 beta which in my opinion sucked.( I think H3 will be **** Saints kicked ass. Tons of stuff to do, fun police/gang wars etc... Multi was ok I guess, to laggy.
Yes, but that's not saying much. You can customize cars and ride em around which is cool, and buying stuff is fun. It's a basic GTA ripoff, nothing really that special.
I played the Saints row demo and didn't find anything particularly worthwhile about it. I thought it was pretty uglygraphically, too.(There's more to a game than what's in the demo... but w/e) Crackdown, on the other hand, turned out to be one of my favorite games. You can beat the campaign in 8-10 hours or so if you just fly through it, but you can also respawn the bosses, play co-op, and run around doing all sorts of things... and it's cheap used now, so it's def worth a buy. I bought it in spite of the H3 beta.
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