I think the elite is only for hardcore gamers. I've been lookin to get a 360 and i heard the elite was comin out april 29th. I'll probably be gettin a ton of games and download stuff off xbl. any opinions??
If you don't yet have a 360 but plan on buying one, then get the elite. Especially because you said you plan on downloading alot from live. I have a few HD videos, a couple of demos and game saves and I've got less than 2 GBs left on my 20GB.
If you haven't bought a 360 then go for the elite like the other guy said you can fill the 20 gig drive real fast with hd shows and demo's as well as arcade titles I used a gig so far just on arcade games. Plus the black 360 will come with the hdmi cable so if you buy a good 1080p tv in the future or have one now you will be able to watch movies and play games in 1080p.
the current system is good but as soon as hdmi coding starts cutting movies down to 480p when not run through hdmi you'll wish you had the elite.
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