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The Xenos was first made available (to developers) in early 2005.The R600 was made available to reviewers around April this year. That's over 2 years difference.
The delay in the R600 cost ATI and the R600 still didn't manage to match nVidias offering. I really think that if they had the technology available it would have been made available earlier.
okay... its this "again" is it. Sigh, here we go. First of neither the Xenos or RSX were based directly on any existing chip, they were made to order from tech the companies had. That means the Xenos isnt the R600, and the RSX isnt the 7800/7900. Infact the RSX is 2x the size of either of those chips. DirextX is 2 things, a set of specifications and a set of code. When people say will DX10 run on something then usualy it will as DX10 is software, for example DX9 works fine on DX7 hardware. HOWEVER, the specs side of things is different. Hardware which only meets DX7s specs will not to able to use the highend functions of DX9s hardware specs. Also, comparing the 2 is pointless as the PS3 doesnt use DX, it uses OpenGL the industry standard for graphics. As for the 2s speed, no the difference is minimal and has been confirmed time and time and time and time again by devlopers with the only advantage the Xenos offering is dedicated memory for AA. Each chip has their own special functions the other cant do. So no, the 360 cant run DX10s hardware functions, as the vast majority will be lacking. DX10 software? Sure. Oh and no...unified shaders dont make the Xenos faster.teebeenz
fantastic explanation, all facts no speculation
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