Actually I've noticed something quite different this time around. In Halo 2 you couldn't go more than a round without finding some loud-mouthed racist or dirty mouthed 10 year old.
From what I've played in Halo 3, those jerks are still around, but there have been far fewer of them. In fact in most ranked matches I've played, most players don't even have a mic. Its like total silence in the deathmatch.
And remember the new super easy mute option Bungie built into their game to silence those that do act "childish". It takes care of a lot of that cry baby problem. Let your skills put them down while your mic mutes them out. Easy-peasy.
I like how you cant hear the other team. Lone wolf, everyone is muted....and the team matches, you cant hear trash talk cause the other team is muted. its awesome. the only crap i ever hear is the odd complaint if a teammate is just sitting there doing nothing...which is more then well deserved.
I did have one match where my team tied the other team, and some kid lipped off hardcare (why i dont know since it was a tie).....then next match up, guess who we ran unto again....curse of 3vs3 teams.....and we laid a beating to them....thats howi like it.
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