I think the main reason people call it "Call of Duty 5" is that in gamers' insatiable appetite for acronyms, "COD5" works much more elegantly than "COD:WAW." Not to mention, it's also shorter to say. Anyway, it's stupid they're not just calling it Call of Duty 5, particularly if:
then how come the next COD game will be called Call of Duty 6? Are they just gonna skip a number?
Yeah, if they do end up releasing the next one as Call of Duty 6. So we now have a series with a missing number. That's stupid.
yeah it would sound stupid, but they wont call the next CoD "COD5". Kinda like the Rocky movies.  They didnt make "Rocky VI" they instead called it Rocky Balboa. Or Rambo movies. the first is called First Blood. Then the 2nd is called Rambo: First Blood Part II. and the last one was just called Rambo (instead of Rambo IV) and supposedly they are going to make Rambo V in 2009......Â
Stupid way to do it, but as long as the games/movies are good, it's not a big deal to forget to number them. I think they have to call the next COD game COD6 or just not use a number, since the 5th one is out already.... thats just my opinion.
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