[QUOTE="jmartinez1983"] Yeah man, I'd rather pay 20 bucks for new games. I wouldn't mind that games would have to be scaled down to be profitable at that price. So yeah, that means barely tested, buggy games with bad gameplay and graphics.
You get what you pay for in general. Buy the right games and $60 bucks is a steal. Do you mind paying 6-10 bucks to go to the movies? If you pay 6 bucks for a movie that lasts 2 hours, you just spent 3 bucks an hour to be entertained. A 60 dollar game that lasts a mere 20 hours gets you the same amount of entertainment per dollar. Plus you can replay a game all you want and even sell it back for a smaller amount of money.
All in all, gaming is a pretty cheap form of entertainment when you look at the whole picture.
Actually movies with a student ID where I am cost $4, and that's irrelevant to me anyways. I was fine paying 49.99 for really good games last generation. I don't want them to drop the price to 20 bucks man, cut the bull****. I want them to either drop the price a few dollars, or start making games that are worth as much as they're charging. I'd prefer that they scale the detailed graphics back a little bit and use that processing power to make a game with more depth and variety. The $10 raise in game prices was not related to production costs, it was a profit move by the leaders in the industry. The problem is, they don't deserve anymore for what they are giving us.
Actually, movies cost different amounts depending on where you are. Live in NYC? Expect to pay $10. Where I am now, also with a student ID, the movies are $6.50.
The $20 dollar figure is an exaggeration used to make a point. So calm down there skipper.
Honestly, there's really nothing to complain about here. Mad at having to spend 60 bucks instead of 50? Wait a few weeks after a game is released and get it used from a store like Gamecrazy (used versions of new releases are only 50 bucks with the $10 membership card) or get it off the internet a few weeks after release. Better yet, get the brand new games you want, beat them, then sell them back on the internet for 40 bucks even a few months after they are released.
There are so many ways to save money on games, you just have to do your work as a consumer. Who pays full price anymore?
While not all of the $10 increase was related to production cost, I'm sure at least part of it was, maybe most of it. Regardless, a good number of the games released now are definitely worth the price tag. You buy those games and wait for the rest to become more affordable, there's rarely ever a need to play a game the first day it comes out, there's always something else cheaper around that you could play while that one gets cheaper.
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