The only problem is I had to give my girlfriend the money to buy it and I won't see her for 2 days! :cry:
Please with out spoiling anything, tell me how the game is :). I have 56k internet so videos are kind of out of the question :(
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The only problem is I had to give my girlfriend the money to buy it and I won't see her for 2 days! :cry:
Please with out spoiling anything, tell me how the game is :). I have 56k internet so videos are kind of out of the question :(
Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.DJ_MagnetoThat don't sound too promising. :( I also just saw the thread about it being the biggest disappointment. But I haven't checked it out yet.
[QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.JuggaloRandallThat don't sound too promising. :( I also just saw the thread about it being the biggest disappointment. But I haven't checked it out yet. Well, I haven't played it. But play it yourself and make your own opinion. There were plenty of good points mentioned on the review.
i picked it up yesterday hoping it would give me the fast paced gameplay of modern warfare 2 but without all of the cheap tactics and perks people use. honestly, im pretty disappointed. there really arent that many maps or gametypes, and leveling up is too easy. im talking about the multiplayer. ive only played a little of the single player. it didnt seem bad, but it wasnt anything great either. one thing about the single player i can say is i love the feel of shooting the guns. it feels better than alot of the other shooters ive played.
I don't really play online. I may occasionally at a friend's house, but I have 56k internet. So the lack of maps is not a huge problem. Maybe by the time I get the time to play it there will be all the patches needed to make MoH bomb ****.Limited maps and game types seems to be the norm these days just so they ad them later as DLC. what can anyone say that sets this game apart from other shooters besides the location?
It's not bad. I played about an hour to an hour and a half of it last night. It's solid, but it's nothing to write home about-- if you're looking for something revolutionary, you won't find it in MoH. The only major complaint I have about it is that the graphics are a little bland and some of the animations could use work. Otherwise, it's a good, standard FPS.
Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.DJ_Magneto
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
[QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
I couldn't agree more.I didn't play it yet but many youtube videos show it's a nice game though most people who played it felt kind of disapointing ... if you don't have bfbc2 just get it instead of moh .. basiclly the same but way better :P .
Oh and the main dissapointment was on the campaign and since you said you won't play on the multi alot than it's REALLY not worth buying unless they fix all their bugs and raise the AI difficulity up .
i have been thinking about the controversy over referring to the taleban as "opposing force" in the multiplayer of medal of honor. that shouldn't be unusual to those who don't know because "opposing force" or "opfor" is what is known as the arab players in those games. just thought i would clear that up.
It's actually on it's way over to my house right now :). I weaseled my girlfriend into coming over tonight instead of me having to Waite ;)Sucker... haha
[QUOTE="realguitarhero5"]It's actually on it's way over to my house right now :). I weaseled my girlfriend into coming over tonight instead of me having to Waite ;)Dude, if I had my girlfriend over tonight, it wouldn't be for a video game. :)Sucker... haha
I bought it, already beat the single player. The single player, out of 10.... a 4 1/2 IMO. Very bad level design, horrible story telling and the sound and visual glitched constantly.
Multiplayer..... 7 out of 10....not as good as Battlefield 2, but ok.
All in all I wish I waited for reviews, not worth purchasing for 60 bucks, In My Opinion
[QUOTE="JuggaloRandall"][QUOTE="realguitarhero5"]It's actually on it's way over to my house right now :). I weaseled my girlfriend into coming over tonight instead of me having to Waite ;)Dude, if I had my girlfriend over tonight, it wouldn't be for a video game. :) Lol, if I told you what we did as soon as she got her I would probably get banned :P. I haven't opened it yet :(. Im waiting for her to leave.Sucker... haha
Meh, I'm enjoying the hell out of it personally. I really don't understand the hate for it, nor what people were expecting. Its not trying to revolutionize the genre, its just out to provide a good time and show exactly what would happen if the Battlefield: Bad Company and Call of Duty series had a child. In my opinion, this baby lived up to the hype.
Meh, I'm enjoying the hell out of it personally. I really don't understand the hate for it, nor what people were expecting. Its not trying to revolutionize the genre, its just out to provide a good time and show exactly what would happen if the Battlefield: Bad Company and Call of Duty series had a child. In my opinion, this baby lived up to the hype.
People can't play a game nowadays without comparing it to another it is really lame if you ask me. People can't seem to buy a game without reviewers telling them it is ok to buy it either...
[QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
The game isn't as polished as call of duty and really doesn't offer near the amount of content.[QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.JuggaloRandallThat don't sound too promising. :( I also just saw the thread about it being the biggest disappointment. But I haven't checked it out yet. 7.5 is a GOOD score. People tend to forget that. (yes gamespot quote)
Me and a few buddies ran through the campaign earlier today. Took few hours. The campaign was pretty good. We all liked it. some little hiccups but nothing like some reviews have said. Some of the visuals are stunning. Was good times. The online though... seems like copy of BFBC2. Nice but same old thing. Good game overall. I think should have scored an 8
oh and one more thing... 56k. really? I didnt even think people could get that internet still. Time for an upgrade my friend.
ive been playing the single player for like 2 or 3 hours and it seems really boring to me,hopefully its going to get better.
Meh, I'm enjoying the hell out of it personally. I really don't understand the hate for it, nor what people were expecting. Its not trying to revolutionize the genre, its just out to provide a good time and show exactly what would happen if the Battlefield: Bad Company and Call of Duty series had a child. In my opinion, this baby lived up to the hype.
People can't play a game nowadays without comparing it to another it is really lame if you ask me. People can't seem to buy a game without reviewers telling them it is ok to buy it either...
That's kinda bad for the developers .. if they want to make a successful fps game they want it to be better than all the ones out right now .. but if it has a bit of lower graphics 'THE GAME SUCKS' .. obviously each company wanna have the best games released .. But i can't find anything better than halo reach, black ops[even though it didn't came out no doubt it's gonna be awesome], bfbc2 and gears 2 out right now so it's really hard to make better games :[ . can't wait for gears 3 xD .
[QUOTE="ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ"][QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot._SOULtoSQUEEZE_
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
The game isn't as polished as call of duty and really doesn't offer near the amount of content.So stop comparing the two games and just play the game and accept it for what it is. Sure there may be a "better" game out there but if you start comparing that is where your bias goes out the window.
The game isn't as polished as call of duty and really doesn't offer near the amount of content.[QUOTE="_SOULtoSQUEEZE_"][QUOTE="ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ"]
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
So stop comparing the two games and just play the game and accept it for what it is. Sure there may be a "better" game out there but if you start comparing that is where your bias goes out the window.
That might be easier if EA's 'Housecall' video for Medal of Honor didn't include some celebrity saying, "Call of Duty doesn't have near as much as this has."[QUOTE="jamejame"]
Meh, I'm enjoying the hell out of it personally. I really don't understand the hate for it, nor what people were expecting. Its not trying to revolutionize the genre, its just out to provide a good time and show exactly what would happen if the Battlefield: Bad Company and Call of Duty series had a child. In my opinion, this baby lived up to the hype.
People can't play a game nowadays without comparing it to another it is really lame if you ask me. People can't seem to buy a game without reviewers telling them it is ok to buy it either...
While that's true, there's no doubting that this game borrowed HEAVILY from the recent Call of Duty games. And I don't know about you, but I have been burned too many times when blindly purchasing games without reading reviews. Potentially throwing away $60+ is not something I take too lightly.
[QUOTE="ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ"][QUOTE="_SOULtoSQUEEZE_"] The game isn't as polished as call of duty and really doesn't offer near the amount of content. realguitarhero5
So stop comparing the two games and just play the game and accept it for what it is. Sure there may be a "better" game out there but if you start comparing that is where your bias goes out the window.
That might be easier if EA's 'Housecall' video for Medal of Honor didn't include some celebrity saying, "Call of Duty doesn't have near as much as this has."I suppose but you do have your own opinion right? You dont just see a video for a game saying it sucks and immediately say "bargain bin!" at least give games a try you know.
That might be easier if EA's 'Housecall' video for Medal of Honor didn't include some celebrity saying, "Call of Duty doesn't have near as much as this has."[QUOTE="realguitarhero5"][QUOTE="ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ"]
So stop comparing the two games and just play the game and accept it for what it is. Sure there may be a "better" game out there but if you start comparing that is where your bias goes out the window.
I suppose but you do have your own opinion right? You dont just see a video for a game saying it sucks and immediately say "bargain bin!" at least give games a try you know.
I dunno, even if he legitimately said that, they put it at the end of the video as if they wanted the viewer to be left with that as the last thing they hear. EA can say their game is good all you want, but they shouldn't compare it to another franchise if they don't REALLY want it compared, you know what I mean?I havnt played the New Medal of Honor game yet but I liked the older Medal of Honor games that were more linier like medal of honor games on pS1 and Frontlines on PS2. These games were more linier and the challange of the game was to successfully learn the level structure and where the natzis would be loctated at. Also the older games had health pickups insted a recharging health meter meaning you needed to perfect the level through trial and error but when you nailed the level it was so satisfying. Especially because there wasnt mid level save pionts you just needed to perfect the level from begining to end.Medel of Honor Airborn was mediocre for me beacuse it was much more open and random with less action set pieces. I geuss I like the old school approach to this series.
The game isn't as polished as call of duty and really doesn't offer near the amount of content.[QUOTE="_SOULtoSQUEEZE_"][QUOTE="ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ"]
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
So stop comparing the two games and just play the game and accept it for what it is. Sure there may be a "better" game out there but if you start comparing that is where your bias goes out the window.
Sorry but that statement is just dumb. When you buy certain products you always compare them to similar products. Why would you just "accept" something when you know there is something better out there. So of course people are going to compare medal of honor to call of duty and the other fps shooters out there that are like it. And IMO there are several other military shooters out there that are easily better.The only problem is I had to give my girlfriend the money to buy it and I won't see her for 2 days! :cry:
Please with out spoiling anything, tell me how the game is :). I have 56k internet so videos are kind of out of the question :(
I was int eh beta the multiplayer was bad dude.
I am loving this game. Single player is pretty good, Not as good as Bad Company 2 but the Mulitplayer is pretty awesome. They really improved on the visuals from the Beta.
[QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
Agreed. Of course it's going to be hated, it isn't CoD. It is a very good game. I have it and it has the most important quality I want in a game: fun! If people would rather keep supporting Activision then that's their stupid fault. MoH is an alternative and a damn good one.[QUOTE="ZzZEVOLUTIONZzZ"][QUOTE="DJ_Magneto"]Scored a 7.5 here at Gamespot.MystikRex
The review was silly his main complaints
invisible walls around the single player maps that stop you from exploring, which are in nearly every game ever made...
Enemy AI was to easy, yet he played the game normal so that can be fixed by turning up the difficulty.
Single player doesn't prepare you for multiplayer, I dont remember a single game where i said man im glad i played single player first it prepared me for multiplayer.
I picked up my copy yesterday and it is still in the shrink wrap I will most likely dive in tonight after i beat spiderman shattered dimensions.
I think it got a lower score because it doesn't have Call of Duty in the title to be honest. ALthough 7.5 isn't really that bad it really stops people from buying it because it didn't get the 8.
Agreed. Of course it's going to be hated, it isn't CoD. It is a very good game. I have it and it has the most important quality I want in a game: fun! If people would rather keep supporting Activision then that's their stupid fault. MoH is an alternative and a damn good one.I hate CoD and the game still blows, unless its a huge change from the beta.
And that game is a CoD ripe, it should attract Call of Duty players.
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