I finally broke down and bought an Xbox360 elite! :) It should arrive in 5-7 days. I have ps3 but couldn't help myself, Halo 3, Bioshock, and a bunch of other games look too fun to miss.
Any suggestions on what games to get? I like just about everything except sports games. I like Action Adventure, FPS, arcade racers, survival horror and rpg's.
Also, I know I will need to get a wireless network adaptor and xbox live gold, is there anything else I will be needing?
Action Adventure: Assassin's Creed**... Racer: PGR 3, PGR 4, Burnout, Test Drive Unlimited... FPS:G.R.A.W., G.R.A.W. 2, F.E.A.R., HALO, HALO 2, R6: Vegas, CoD2, CoD 3, CoD 4***... Survival Horror: Bioshock*, Condemned Criminal Origins, Condemned 2**, RE5**... RPG: Blue Dragon, Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey**... TPS: GeOW, Lost Planet... Aracde: Pacman, Galaga, Geometry Wars, Sonic, Sonic 2, Hexic 2...
* = Not sure under which category to place
** = The game hasn't been released yet.
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