You have to pay attention to the interviewee's facial expressions and body language. Otherwise, it can be pretty cut and dry. Doubt=you think they're lying but don't have proof. Lie=you think they're lying and you have proof. Just have to make sure you have ALL the available clues from a location/crime scene. Follow ALL leads, etc.
I usually am pretty good but some people throw me for a loop. I generally look at their eyes and if they are looking around and not looking directly at me I use doubt or lie(if I have evidence). This doesn't work with everyone though, you have to get a feel for the person and the way they generally behave.
I usually am pretty good but some people throw me for a loop. I generally look at their eyes and if they are looking around and not looking directly at me I use doubt or lie(if I have evidence). This doesn't work with everyone though, you have to get a feel for the person and the way they generally behave.
Yeah, some people are tricky. If they're looking around, you have to factor in they're emotional state. That bartender from the hit-and-run case gave me a lot of trouble. That's when I realized that Doubt can be used when you know you're not getting enough information.
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