So you too are saying that racism against whites is acceptable? No matter what, this topic subject was that of discrimination. Each form of discrimination seksist, racist, antisemist still exist and isn't old news at all even if you consider it's old news then you sir are ignorant. In Africa they yell that a black man now rules over the whites while they're simply ignorant to the fact that he's half WHITE (not old news). The glass isn't half full if it isn't half empty.
However directing to the assumption that only whites waged black slavery then you're wrong again, first blacks in the imperial age sold their own ppl first to white ppl because they used their own ppl already to serve for them. People like to forget that whites were once slaves too (called servants at that time to compensate any cruelty) and are accepting black minority with open arms while white minority is the future of this world. Hell, even blacks had white slaves at the start of the imperial age, dont believe me? watch this:
im sorry to explain it to the core but when ppl are raged at what i said before i'd like to go further into the subject so ppl are going to be happy rather than to be enraged that they're going to play ninja gaiden :)
strange, it seems nowadays you'll get banned for anything you say... saying nagger (if you know what i mean) gets you banned, f*g, g*y or even if your name is naggerwood.
but the word microsoft doesn't seem to care about is the c word (cracker), there's so much racism against white people via slurs or naggertalk on LIVE but microsoft don't care because such racism is unjustified widely accepted around the world. Therefore if parents are concerned their children are listening to this naggertalk then why doesn't Microsoft simply ban them? owwwww... riiiiiiighhht, because that would be racist against black ppl for banning them because they speak their common language, yeah right
The only thing that keeps me happy at night is knowing there are plenty of fires for you to die in my good sir. All jokes aside. Allow me to convey the feeling that your post made me RAGE so hard I think I might just be angry enough to beat Ninja Gaiden on the hardest difficulty with my toes.
You seem to miss what really happened here, you simply trailed off into some random thing. This girl got banned for specifying her sexuality on XboxLive. No 'N' work or the word 'Cracker'. Also, if you are bothered by 'Racism against whites'....grow up dude. If anything us whiteys are catching hell so the others can catch up to us racism wise. Seriously, shut the hell up about that.
Seriously. The racism against skin is old news man. Learn to ignore it and it is nothing. It is wether you LET it get to you. Just words man. These days it is the hate towards different sexualities carries all the weight to those involved as whites against black back in the slavery days.
lol. The rage and fire part of my posts were mostly me giving you a hard time. But I found it interesting you felt that this was a situation warranting mention of racial hatred. You see, here online I mask the fact that I am an insecure gamer d00d who barely supports him and his girlfreind by being a giant flaming douchebag.
This seems like it had primarily been discussing the issue of homophobia online and discrimination over the many sexualities. You happened to mention Race and it caught my eye. Maybe I should instead inquire how you came to thinking race from all this? I am sure you could flash some youtube links at me or tell me of a similar case but I don't much go for that. (I will give the video a look when I am done with this hoever)
I guess I could be called ignorant. I am an 18 year old caucasian male. I catch the insults like cracker and all that stupid crap ALL the time. I hear it. But that word means nothing. It is literally the same as a brothah calling a brothah say 'nigra' or some of the many variations of the original racial slur that has been used in hip-hop music so much recently.
This word should not bother you. For that matter. No racial slur needs to bother anyone. I think whites, along with people of every other color gotta just do what the African American community did. Simply take the power out of the word. No you don't have to use the word in everyday speech. But if you don't let it weigh on you. It is worthless as an insult and people will stop seeing ad using it as one.
It isn't that I am ignorant so much as I refuse to give an insult that stupid any weight in my life. If you can't agree, I can respect that.
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