Bug fan ( 10 G ) : Collect 20 bugs
Bug lover ( 40 G ) : You now have 100 bugs
Bug freak ( 100 G ) : Your collection as over 500 bugs !
Bug maniac ( 200 G ) : You eat bugs for breakfast or as a snack
Pure fartation ( 50 G ) : Kill someone whit the power of a fart
Bookation ( 20 G ) You somehow found a way to cut of one of your nuts whit a book!
Bookapair ( 50 G ) You cut both your nuts whit a book
Bookown ( 100 G ) You step on your nut and destroyed it
Amidalaus ( 60 G ) Succesfully go threw 1 medical visit
Bikeathon ( 200 G ) You have gotten a police men, old lady, dog, friend, ice cream man, tennis coatch and a soldier on your ass, all in one bike ride
Oooo nooo ! ( 1000 G ) You are in the maury show's backstage waithing to know if it's really your child!
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