My apartment has wifi, and to get to the internet, it has one of those funny pop ups which requires you to log in a username and password before you would be able to access the internet. Any idea how to connect my xbox to the internet?
I don't know if this will work, but open up your online browser and log in. Then log in to xbox live while your browser is still up. You could also try restarting your modem then once it is booted up log in to xbox live.
It won't work, it will give the xbox another ip address and it's an individual thing altogether. I haven't tried the PPoe thing yet though. Can't try yet, my television for my new place has not arrived.
bridge the wifi through your laptop... send it back out through your lan to your xbox. or you can buy a wireless adapter and set it to a different channel if you dont want to run cables. then you can just bridge the 2 connections.
Here is a link to do the cable setup guide...
Mac OS X:
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