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Gimme good reasonsxxDarkRulerxx
obviously you already want one, except for the fact you want other people to inform you of everything you already know thats good about the 360, and just looking for a little confirmation on the decision you already made so why even ask
1. Kick-a** graphics
2. Best first person shooting lineup
3. Best selection of games for nex-gen consoles
4. Xbox Live
5. Compatable with over 300+ Xbox Games
6. HD-DVD capable (must have HD-DVD Drive)
7. Biggest Memory Hardware
8. Sleek Design
9. Halo 3
10. A backup plan when your girlfriend dumps you :P
11. Has mostly all of the good PS3 games on it.
12. The best colours (white, black and green models)
13. It's the #1 game console (considered by jealous PS3 fanboys)
Gimme good reasonsxxDarkRulerxx
Depends if you like to play w/ friends...or if you prefer to play with your self...being that you have to ask you must prefer to play w/ your self. Enjoy.
ignore all these other posts because they dont go into debth on it. For a while now i actually wanted to trade my 360 in and get a ps3 because some of the upcomming new ps3 games look real real nice, however heres the thing it all comes down to the games. Did you like the kind of games that were on xbox 1? KOTOR, Fable, Halo.... these are the games that your gonna get with a 360. games like mass effect, too human, halo 3 online, these are all just strait up fun videogames. they are just fun, period. while i wish there were some more action adventure games i need to wait for them, ninja gaiden 2 etc etc. the fact is you gotta look at the exclusives. multiplats dont matter because either way you can pick up cod4, army of 2, assasins creed. look at the exclusives, and the general direction of what they are. gears 2 is gonna be hot, but you gotta like the first one.
its true it costs 50$ a year, and honestly it sucks, the whole PRINCIPLE of it sucks but they DO provide a good service, and the 360 itself is based on an online experience with leaderboards, voice chatting, and stuff like that.
as far as the hardware issues go, ignore that because the ONLY problem with the 360 is the rrod, and that is covered for 3 years, mine gota rrod and when i got it back they gave me a free copy of graw 2...
at the end of it tho the ps3 is something i DO want to get, but it can wait for me, when mgs4 and ff13 come out, thats when ill pick one up, but a 360 just simply put provides a videogamer with great games, and people to play them with. about a year there'll be no reason to buy an Xbox 360. PS3 home will take over. But I'm not supposed to talk about that here. *cough*LilYungsta
what you say is a valid point. HOWEVER over 7 million people are already enjoying all the matchmaking, player communicating, voice chatting, achievement winning features of home RIGHT NOW. and this community will only grow and advance more by the time home comes out
LMAO you so silly... ha ha ha do you REAALLLLY think that MGS 4 is gonna stop the wii60's push forward... i think not that d*** game would have to sell dang near 6 million consoles just to tie with microsoft or nintendo...i'm sorry to laugh at you but that statement you made....ludacris about a year there'll be no reason to buy an Xbox 360. PS3 home will take over. But I'm not supposed to talk about that here. *cough*LilYungsta
if u liike shooters xbox 360 is ur choice
if u like playing online xbox 360 is ur choice
if u like some of the games coming up then get it
there is that hard to do
We should'nt have to convince you to get a 360. Its the best by far. It has a lot of great exclusives, unlike PS3, which only has MGS4 if it ever comes out, and it is a true next gen system, unlike the Wii.hillelslovakKillzone, FF13, Uncharted, Haze, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, God of War 3, SOCOM, Gran Turismo 5, Eight Days, Tekken 6, Resistence 2. Only 360 fanboys think that PS3 has no exclusive. Back to Topic my reasons.....
Mass Effect
NG 2
Lost Odessey
XboxLiveis incredible
Arcade games..
You should decide if you want one or not.
We should'nt have to convince you to get a 360. Its the best by far. It has a lot of great exclusives, unlike PS3, which only has MGS4 if it ever comes out, and it is a true next gen system, unlike the Wii.hillelslovak
Save your fanboy comments for system wars. The topic starter was asking for reasons why he should get an XBOX 360, not for your fanboy-ish comparisons of the other two systems.
Gimme good reasonsxxDarkRulerxx
Look at the games and look, GAMERPOINTS. Yes gamerpoints is TBH the thing that made me get the 360. seriously
[QUOTE="perfection1000"]Killzone, FF13, Uncharted, Haze, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, God of War 3, SOCOM, Gran Turismo 5, Eight Days, Tekken 6, Resistence 2. Only 360 fanboys think that PS3 has no exclusive. Back to Topic my reasons.....[QUOTE="hillelslovak"]We should'nt have to convince you to get a 360. Its the best by far. It has a lot of great exclusives, unlike PS3, which only has MGS4if it ever comes out, and it is a true next gen system, unlike the Wii.philip6k
Mass Effect
NG 2
Lost Odessey
XboxLiveis incredible
Arcade games..
You should decide if you want one or not.
haha its so true, ps3 has BY FAR the best 08 line-up and more exclusives on the way, and anyways theres a linux coming out that enables ps3 users to play pc games, even article on it on gamespot haha there goes 360's mediocre games like gears (which isnt that great anyways but at least xbox fanboys wont live on it like its a godly game, there is no story and its incredibly short, the gameplay is horrible and online is broken) and halo hahaha most over hyped game ever, bill had to spend 10 mil to try to convince people that it isnt a mediocre game haha man halo 3 sure flopped, its like halo 2.2, ive seen so many xbots disappointed with it but there are still those fanboys that say its so amazing just cause its a exclusvive)...and 360 is not built for the future at all, its pretty sad when its considered next gen and its lac of hard drive and disc space are already limiting developers its pretty sad, especially in the future when games are getting bigger and they need way more disc space and a hard drive... plus 360 hardware failure is insane, and its not just RRoD, its amazing how they havnt fixed the problem yet and its been so long, like when you buy a system you shouldnt have to worry and know its going to break down in the future... its hilarious when xbots say well at least we get 3 year warrenty, you dont get that with nintendo or sony....well thats cause you dont have to worry about sonys or nintendos systems breaking down cause they are actually built with quality, its going to be awesome in a few years too when more people get HD tvs and sony owners we will playing their games in sweet home will beat live and its free,360 may have a big library but a large majority of the games are terrible...360 was really just made so people have something to play while they wait for all of ps3s glorious stuff to come out.....oh and i love when 360 xbots try to bring up the console count hahaha they say its so high but they dont realize when microsoft sends out news consoles or refurbished consoles to peoples who have broken, they count those ones too in their console count hahahhahahahahhaha, its sad, i wonder how many actually playable 360s are out there, prob close to ps3
Perhaps you took a wrong turn. System wars is down the steeps and to the left right next to the boiler roomnow run alongtroll.
Gimme good reasonsxxDarkRulerxx
Hate when people talk this way. Your attitude is just wrong. And your Title is even more annoying! "Make me want an Xbox 360" - look no one owes u anything.
Instead you should be asking something like: Whats so different/special in the xbox360? What are the bettter and worse aspects compared to _____.
Change ure attitude or no one will answer nicely or with more then 3 words...
[QUOTE="LilYungsta"] about a year there'll be no reason to buy an Xbox 360. PS3 home will take over. But I'm not supposed to talk about that here. *cough*sony_vaio
Yea ok, if you say so. Let me tell ya Mr. Expert, the PS3 is done. You can put a fork in it.
1. Kick-a** graphics
2. Best first person shooting lineup
3. Best selection of games for nex-gen consoles
4. Xbox Live
5. Compatable with over 300+ Xbox Games
6. HD-DVD capable (must have HD-DVD Drive)
7. Biggest Memory Hardware
8. Sleek Design
9. Halo 3
10. A backup plan when your girlfriend dumps you :P
11. Has mostly all of the good PS3 games on it.
12. The best colours (white, black and green models)
13. It's the #1 game console (considered by jealous PS3 fanboys)
100% Agree!
[QUOTE="xxDarkRulerxx"]Gimme good reasonsnoambartouv
Hate when people talk this way. Your attitude is just wrong. And your Title is even more annoying! "Make me want an Xbox 360" - look no one owes u anything.
Instead you should be asking something like: Whats so different/special in the xbox360? What are the bettter and worse aspects compared to _____.
Change ure attitude or no one will answer nicely or with more then 3 words...
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