Let's face it, mercenaries 2 is essentially just cause with the mercenaries name on the cover and destructible environments. As much as im enjoying mercs 2 it has left me desiring for a baby to be born from the two games. On one side mercs 2 is a ton of fun because you can literally level every single building to the ground with a friend and on the other hand you can do tons of crazy stunts in just cause which really adds to the fun of the game all while in awe of the stunning graphics.
First and foremost just cause is more polished. I didnt run into any glitch like a specific one in mercs 2 where at the end of a mission i was driving to the final destination and every time i crossed the bridge i would automatically blow up in my vehicle for no apparent reason. After attempting this 3 times, all of which i had to redo the entire mission, i realized it wasnt my fault but instead the dumb game's fault and so i hijacked a helicopter and flew over the bridge, this time i didnt self destruct. Also, just cause was easily the better looking of the two games, and that's fairly sad since it came out 2 years before mercs.
Mercs however has coop, which is always a huge plus, and it has tons more missions than just cause had. Overall, since this is a versus between two games, im gonna let you, the reader say what your favorite was, but let's admitt the fact that a perfect mixture between just cause's insane stunts and grappling hook with mercs 2's coop and destructible environments and youde have one kick A game. Let's hope just cause 2 can fill these shoes next april.
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