I know the game could be released for the 360, though I doubt sony would allow it to happen since the game has been so substantial in moving PS3 units.
Yes, the Blu-Ray does hold more data than the discs a 360 can hold, but ultimately they can just do two discs. Look at Lost Odyssey. I was confused by the achievements until I opened my gamefly and saw...there were four discs. What the hell.
The reason that MGS4 in its current state couldn't be transferred to the 360 is that the PS3 uses a unique graphics card. It is unique from the cards used in 360's or PC's. The big dichotomoy between the two is that the PS3 graphics card has a completely different way of doing shaders. From what I've read it's a better, apperance wise, though more complicated shader system to work with. Ultimately the PS3 is capable of running games that the 360 cannot. This is a double edged sword. Yes, the PS3 is on a technical standpoint the better console, but designing games for its graphics are a pain so developers are fine just going mutli-platform and not utilizing the PS3 to its full potential. Though, for games designed specifically for the PS3 they are going to utilize the unique shaders thus making a game that would require a reworking of the engine to get it to run on a 360. That is what they mean by a 360 not being able to run it.
The long and short of it, though, is that MGS is to PS what Halo is to Xbox. Sony won't be giving a big name lease to microsoft any sooner than Microsoft will give the thumbs up on Sony making a Halo game.
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