Enough with the fucking shooters ok? You want me to buy your console? Make a damn game without fucking guns. Can you idiots handle that?
Why do you create this thread when MS made a new racer and announced a new RTS? You know they own Minecraft? Ever heard of Flight Simulators?
But to stay on topic, instead of wishing away one genre, how about asking for more of a different genre?
Overall there just needs to be more exclusives. It's a shame that Scalebound was cancelled.
no it's not a trump tweet that would prolly be him for guns. but honestly they do have a shit ton of shooters and weather he's a troll or not let's say he isn't it's not a such a bad thing for him to be pissed at wanting them to make a game he wants to play instead of them making games that don't interest him. i know i can't stand 1st person games and it's just simply that i am awful at them simply awful and so when some games come out and it looks good and i see it's 1st person i think you have got to be kidding me! not games like COD for example that's a given what that one is.. but ones like we so happy few which looks good
but when i learned it was 1st person that's what i was thinking. though i do have goldeneye for the N64 i'm awful at it though i do think i can get past level 1 there is a level i can't think it's level 2 or 3 that i can't get past at all. and it's due to the fact that when you play 1st person you can't see shit behind you and turning away and looking behind you can leave you open. so in 3rd person you can see what's behind and in front of you that's what i prefer.
There are lots of games of all genres available to play on xbox one.
Personally I love shooters if you hate shooters so much dont buy them. Plenty of other games available
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