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Microsoft is still doing pretty well. Granted the Zune and their attempts to move into the mp3 market have been a disaster, but their computer and gaming business is still doing really well. They also haven't been having bad earnings reports nor having to do mass layoffs, so I'd say they're not falling apart.
[QUOTE="cool_beans1"]Yea it says the URL contained a malinformed IDnintendo4ever25
regardless of the video, they already have fallen apart. not one XBOX 360 sold in the U.S in the last 2 weeks :o i dont know about u but that shows something
lolwut? MS just did a $129 360 arcade deal a few days ago, it definatly sold some the last 2 weeks.[QUOTE="cool_beans1"]Yea it says the URL contained a malinformed IDnintendo4ever25
regardless of the video, they already have fallen apart. not one XBOX 360 sold in the U.S in the last 2 weeks :o i dont know about u but that shows something
Where in gods name do you get those statistics? I highly doubt that not ONE XBOX 360 wasn't sold in the past two weeks anywhere around the world. I'd like a link to that information. If you have one...
lol he doesn't have the link cause my little brother just got one a week ago...people and there facts no wonder half the world belives aliens landed in Times Square..
[QUOTE="cool_beans1"]Yea it says the URL contained a malinformed IDnintendo4ever25
regardless of the video, they already have fallen apart. not one XBOX 360 sold in the U.S in the last 2 weeks :o i dont know about u but that shows something
lol biggest load of crap fact ever ^^^^ What an absolute joke!i wouldn't say they are falling apart but they are not doing well, their stocks are like 15 bucks a stock and apple is 120 a stock, but they will never go under because its too big.
You do realize that the relative price of two stocks means absolutely nothing, right?
the xbox360 were failures
What? The Atari Jaguar was a failure. The Nintendo Virtual Boy was a failure. The 360 is a not a failure. Do you think at all before you type? It's not often I bump into someone on these forums who has more bizzare, ill-informed, or just plain wrong opinions than you do.
Palantas knows what he's saying. I mean really? Some of you guys really need to actually do some research on your crap before you type. Reading this made me laugh so hard. I haven't heard things this dumb in a while.
[QUOTE="cool_beans1"]Yea it says the URL contained a malinformed IDnintendo4ever25
regardless of the video, they already have fallen apart. not one XBOX 360 sold in the U.S in the last 2 weeks :o i dont know about u but that shows something
hahah whare in gods name are you pulling your info from
[QUOTE="KorruptRaiden"]Not necessarily, but vista and the xbox360 were failures, windows7 looks great though.SALTYJos
360 is a failure? How so? Do you even know what you are talking about? That is the biggest load of crap I have heard.
The things fail at a ridiculous rate (hardware failure), at least they take responsibility for it i guess.i wouldn't say they are falling apart but they are not doing well, their stocks are like 15 bucks a stock and apple is 120 a stock, but they will never go under because its too big.
I can´t believe I read this!!! You really don´t know s**t about the stock market, do you???
BTW, xboxes only fall apart if you excessively abuse it, which everyone does. I saw one guy who stuck the power box thing in between a wall and a wardrobe! It was hot as an iron when he finished! These things are delicate for crying out loud! And then he comes to me and says his xbox is broken, again! I've had mine for over a year and it works fine. You just need to take care of it and not treat it like a disposable glove.strigon33Not true, not true at all, i do understand what you mean but i know people that have a 'dedicated space' for the xbox and if you go in that space he gets angry, as well as keeping the thing in open spaces.
[QUOTE="SALTYJos"][QUOTE="KorruptRaiden"]Not necessarily, but vista and the xbox360 were failures, windows7 looks great though.KorruptRaiden
360 is a failure? How so? Do you even know what you are talking about? That is the biggest load of crap I have heard.
The things fail at a ridiculous rate (hardware failure), at least they take responsibility for it i guess. The red ring of death doesn't mean that the Xbox 360 as a whole is a failure. It means that Microsoft made the choice to release the 360 before it was truly ready. Of course, for every action, there is a consequence. Now, Microsoft is paying for it by repairing their faulty consoles for free. However, Xbox LIVE is still the best online game service that I've ever used and I've tried everything from PSN to Steam. If that wasn't enough, it has a fairly large library of good games that seems to grow larger every year. How can you possibly say the system is a failure?[QUOTE="KorruptRaiden"][QUOTE="SALTYJos"]The things fail at a ridiculous rate (hardware failure), at least they take responsibility for it i guess. The red ring of death doesn't mean that the Xbox 360 as a whole is a failure. It means that Microsoft made the choice to release the 360 before it was truly ready. Of course, for every action, there is a consequence. Now, Microsoft is paying for it by repairing their faulty consoles for free. However, Xbox LIVE is still the best online game service that I've ever used and I've tried everything from PSN to Steam. If that wasn't enough, it has a fairly large library of good games that seems to grow larger every year. How can you possibly say the system is a failure?360 is a failure? How so? Do you even know what you are talking about? That is the biggest load of crap I have heard.
The things fail at a ridiculous rate (hardware failure), at least they take responsibility for it i guess.
Yet the system has been a success (the opposite of failure) in spite of this. Your statement was dead wrong.
Again you just ignore the fact that im only pointing out its hardware issues (time and time again you do this), in a pitiful move to induce an argument, well Palantas, there is never an excuse for systems that constantly break down, when its rivals dont have the same issues, it basically says Microsoft could not make properly functioning hardware, "Microsoft just stick to software".If a systems "fails" that means it failed as a consumer product. Whatever issues the 360 has, it has been a strong competitor to the other systems and a major force in the industry. This is not open to any sort of debate. It's absurd you're even trying to argue it (poorly, as usual).
Again you just ignore the fact that im only pointing out its hardware issues
Oh really? That's what you were doing here:
Not necessarily, but vista and the xbox360 were failures, windows7 looks great though.
Pointing out the hardware problems with the 360 and Windows Vista?
Bull****. You said something that was flat out incorrect. When I and several other people called you out on it, you tried to weasel your way out of it by claiming you were complaining about hardware issues. Well, 1.) Just because it had hardware issues doesn't mean it was a failure as a product, 2.) The 360's hardware issues don't fit in the context of this thread, and 3.) I don't believe that's what you meant in the first place, and neither does anyone else.
You're just spouting random nonsense, and then getting pissed when people call you out on it. If you'd think before you type, this wouldn't happen. I don't need an "excuse" to argue with you, when you go around the forum making claims that are obviously false and effortlessly refuted.
he believes it is a failure because of it's hardware design and lack of redesign, which is a reasonable complaint. so whats the point in going back and forth with him? Who cares if he decided to specify what he meant by a failure. Does it really matter to you that much to be right on Gamespot of all place. I can understand if it were in person and he made it a big deal but this is a freaking game forum. It serves no purpose, makes no point, and shouldnt make you feel better about yourself. So chill out and get over itIf a systems "fails" that means it failed as a consumer product. Whatever issues the 360 has, it has been a strong competitor to the other systems and a major force in the industry. This is not open to any sort of debate. It's absurd you're even trying to argue it (poorly, as usual).
he believes it is a failure because of it's hardware design and lack of redesign, which is a reasonable complaint. so whats the point in going back and forth with him? It serves no purpose, makes no point, and shouldnt make you feel better about yourself.
He's not expressing his person opinion of the system; whether he likes or not. And I did not address whether or not the 360's hardware issues are a legitimate complaint; they're out of the context of this thread. He flat out said the system failed. That's incorrect.
And you know what really serves no purpose? Butting into an argument and contributing absolutely nothing to it.
he believes it is a failure because of it's hardware design and lack of redesign, which is a reasonable complaint. so whats the point in going back and forth with him? It serves no purpose, makes no point, and shouldnt make you feel better about yourself.
He's not expressing his person opinion of the system; whether he likes or not. And I did not address whether or not the 360's hardware issues are a legitimate complaint; they're out of the context of this thread. He flat out said the system failed. That's incorrect.
And you know what really serves no purpose? Butting into an argument and contributing absolutely nothing to it.
Seriously dude you are great laughing material, last time i laughed so hard was dane cook in just for laughs, anyways i made a LEGITIMATE complaint about THE HARDWARE ISSUES regarding the xbox 360, is that too hard to understand dude. Thanks ceells87 for showing some understanding and maturity about the topic, btw Palantas your use of offensive language should get you banned since i got banned for saying hilarious.I'm glad you're getting a laugh out of this. A fair number of people get a laugh out me taking your posts apart. I'm glad everyone's enjoying themselves.
All right, on the the issue at hand:Is that you don't read my posts or that you don't understand them? I'm going to go over everything again, since it's obviously escaping you. Here's what you said:
Not necessarily, but vista and the xbox360 were failures, windows7 looks great though.
This is in the context of Microsoft's corporate condition and the viability of the company. The thread is entitled "Microsoft is falling apart." So, if you were on-topic when you posted this, you were saying that the 360 has been a failure in the marketplace. This is obviously not the case. (Unless you want to argue that. Oh God please, tell me you're going to argue that.)
You claimed that you were in fact just saying that the 360 has hardware problems. (How any normal person is supposed to read what you wrote there and come to the conclusion that you were criticizing RROD is beyond me.) Assuming that is the case, the 360's hardware problems don't make it a "failure." The 360 is not a failure. It has succeeded. That's past tense. What's more, I don't see how the RROD relates to Microsoft "falling apart." You certainly didn't make any effort to relate it to the topic.
I think you just typed a quick post without thinking about it (as you usually do) and when a bunch of people called you out on it, you realized how wrong you were, and tried to backtrack into saying you were just complaining about 360 hardware issues.
EDIT: I took another look at things. You didn't even backtrack very well. Look at this:
When a system has a reoccuring hardware failure that means it fails
Again you just ignore the fact that im only pointing out its hardware issues
Really? You're just pointing out its hardware issues (which is OT for this thread), when one post prior you point out its hardware issues and draw a conclusion from it? Do you even know what you're saying?
The argumentative type, i can respect that in a way, now i have told you i am going to ignore you and that should be enough to answer your question that i don't really read your posts effectively, i maybe scan them in 5 seconds or so, reason being, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS! I will never give microsoft credit for their faulty hardware, sure the original was a solid console, but the 360 is a shame really.If I didn't enjoy all these arguments I get into, I wouldn't get into them. You can't complain about me keeping the thread alive when you're posting here. :P
The things fail at a ridiculous rate (hardware failure), at least they take responsibility for it i guess.RebellionRebornThe red ring of death doesn't mean that the Xbox 360 as a whole is a failure. It means that Microsoft made the choice to release the 360 before it was truly ready. Of course, for every action, there is a consequence. Now, Microsoft is paying for it by repairing their faulty consoles for free. However, Xbox LIVE is still the best online game service that I've ever used and I've tried everything from PSN to Steam. If that wasn't enough, it has a fairly large library of good games that seems to grow larger every year. How can you possibly say the system is a failure?
now i have told you i am going to ignore you and that should be enough to answer your question that i don't really read your posts effectively, i maybe scan them in 5 seconds or so, reason being, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS!
So is that why you can't make sense? When you E-mailed me and said you were going to ignore me, I figured that meant you'd, you know, ignore me, stop responding to me...something like that. I didn't think it meant you'd still respond to my posts, but just do it half-ass. Wow, you really showed me.
It's not my opinion that the 360 console hasn't failed. It's a fact that it has succeeded as a gaming system. Your definition of success or failure, in any context, seems to revolve around whether you like or dislike something. Your ability to analyze anything from an objective standpoint seems to be non-existent.
Oh, here are the highlights from my last couple posts, which I'll be happy to reprint until you answer them or leave the thread:
I think you just typed a quick post without thinking about it (as you usually do) and when a bunch of people called you out on it, you realized how wrong you were, and tried to backtrack into saying you were just complaining about 360 hardware issues. You didn't even backtrack very well. Look at this:
When a system has a reoccuring hardware failure that means it fails. (sic)
Again you just ignore the fact that im only pointing out its hardware issues
Really? You're just pointing out its hardware issues (which is OT for this thread), when one post prior you point out its hardware issues and draw a conclusion from it? Do you even know what you're saying?
And what's that bit about getting banned? You're obviously not banned since you're posting here.
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