Microsoft has gone crazy?

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#1 zombehhhh
Member since 2008 • 246 Posts

Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.

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#2 raylewisnfl52
Member since 2005 • 7146 Posts
The price for COD wasn't set by microsoft. No one is forcing you to spend $3 on a suit and no one is forcing you to buy kinect.
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#3 zombehhhh
Member since 2008 • 246 Posts

I know that, but just the fact that I'm still getting charged because all the zombies buy this stuff so everything else gets overpriced.

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#4 El_Zo1212o
Member since 2009 • 6057 Posts
Actually, if you aren't buying something, then you aren't getting charged anything...
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#5 SNESMaster420
Member since 2006 • 1358 Posts

The DLC is price is set by the publisher. And the new 360 has bulit in Wi-Fi and a 250 GB HDD instead of a 120 GB. The old WiFi adapter was $100 alone. The Kinect is somewhat expensive, but realistically it is a better value than the PS Move since it supports up to 4 players at once.

I am more excited at the moment for the Move, but the Kinect has promise. It sounds like the only statement you made I agree with is that the MW2 map packs are expensive, but again you and I are mad at Activision, not Microsoft with that one.

I do not think that Microsoft has gone crazy but I do think they had the weakest showing at e3 this year.

Also, no one is forcing you to dress up you avatar for $. I also don't think you should call the people who choose to do so zombies. I would just call those people with expendable income.

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#6 MassiveKaos
Member since 2006 • 3876 Posts

Dude what does ms has to do with dlc prices?

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#9 slvrraven9
Member since 2004 • 9278 Posts

Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.

first off, noone is forcing you to buy ANY avatar clothing, in fact i pity the people who do unless you jsut have like some "spare change" that you wanna waste and you cant do anything else with it. also...noone is forcing you to buy the COD mappacks but even if you did, its not MS's decision to price them so high, you can blame activision for that failure. lastly, yes i will be buying the new slim. i have a launch 360 that im sure has its days numbered. if you break it down...almost half the cost of the new xbox will pay for a new warranty alone, plus the hdd and that pretty much covers the cost of the 360 if you price it per item. built in wifi with a faster connection speed than my current xbox is on, quieter drive, nice new sleek design to match my other two say imo that its well worth the money.
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#10 xsfseal
Member since 2004 • 510 Posts

You should learn to realize everything sold is for profit. As long as someone is buying it the prices will continue to be high for dlc and games. Paying $60 for a game is totally dependant on the users value of such game. You might buy that game and dislike it while another may enjoy it very much and spend hundreds of hours playing. This is why using a store like Gamestop or renting is a valuable option. With the mass amount of reviews and user comments on a single game in this day in age, buying a full priced game or dlc without doing some research can be solely blamed on one person-yourself.

Can you put a price or value on fun? Happiness? Satisfaction? Just be glad the prices arent higher than this. No one seems to complain about a car costing $15000 for it to only do one good thing, get you from point A to B. But spending $200 on a system and a game or two is rediculious for entertainment. Come on, it isnt that bad.

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#11 lVlonster_X
Member since 2010 • 200 Posts
i dont get why they charge money to play online. it is dumb in my thought.
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#13 lVlonster_X
Member since 2010 • 200 Posts


Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.


in fact theres absolutely NOTHING that you said that could be taken as truth or anything other than embilishment. imjust gonna go ahead and call it...

How is he trolling? Hes just ranting and i agree on some of his points..
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#14 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts

Has Microsoft gone crazy?

I'm not sure, but we are in the middle of witnessing Microsoft pull a Sega, circa 2000/2001. That is for sure.

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#15 oajlu
Member since 2006 • 2652 Posts

dont worry about slim 360, your 360 will get rrod soon and you will have to replace it with slim 360 after your warranty is expired.

Microsoft is crazy? no i dont think, MS is very smart to squeeze every penny from 360 users.

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#16 Sepewrath
Member since 2005 • 30702 Posts
Sounds like your gripe should be with the consumer not so much MS. Of course MS encourages publishers to use DLC because they get a piece of the pie if I'm remembering correctly, but if people didn't allow themselves to be milked with DLC, if they didn't demand that publishers milk them, there would be no market and hence no DLC abuse. Same goes with the Avatar stuff, if people are willing to shell out money to buy clothes for an Avatar, that's on them, if they didn't, MS wouldn't waste resources doing it. The Kinect thing, yeah MS has probably definitely taken the wrong approach with that thing.
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#17 slvrraven9
Member since 2004 • 9278 Posts


Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.

in fact theres absolutely NOTHING that you said that could be taken as truth or anything other than embilishment. imjust gonna go ahead and call it...

How is he trolling? Hes just ranting and i agree on some of his points..

the first paragraph was nothing but troll, the second paragraph was rambling... and the third paragraph was that the only thing that could be taken as facts are the points about the xbox slim but right now we dont know the prices of kinetic games, there are other reasons to buying a 360 aside from being an initial buyer, and regardless of the price of the kinetic, you have to base it on its own merits not what the wii did or what the move will do. so its 150 get two move controllers and "nunchucks" and game and you got the price already. gaming is expensive, we know, but so what. you either buy it or you dont. it looks cool, and mabey it is cool.. and if you like it, that should be enough reason to buy it, shouldnt it??
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#18 JannettyTRocker
Member since 2006 • 1160 Posts

I understand your frustration, and I agree. We're paying for Xbox Live, and with that subscription they should include DLC, avatar items, etc for free, especially when you're paying for the Gold Membership. If you have a Silver Membership, then you should pay for DLC, avatar items, etc as we all do now. Obviously XBLA games should still be charged for just like retail games are, but the other stuff should be a part of the XBL experience........The fact that Microsoft charges for this stuff just proves what a greedy corporation they are. All they're focused on is milking their products to squeeze every last dime out of their customers. They know that people won't stop buying their stuff because they feel the need to buy all of the new items they put out, so it's like easy money for them......Still, they are extremely greedy.

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#19 drocka11
Member since 2009 • 364 Posts
i dont get why they charge money to play online. it is dumb in my thought.lVlonster_X
so you can actually... PLAY... online not lag everywhere
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#20 deactivated-5c23908d36a7f
Member since 2009 • 859 Posts

jeez look at all the fanboys defend the hell outta this one. Lighten up fanboys and open your eyes. I agree with some of the stuff you've said but things like online, well it's only £5 a month plus PS3 have started to charge (but then again you can still play online for free with PS3). You MS fanboys make me laugh xD

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#21 Gladestone1
Member since 2004 • 5695 Posts

Well im paying for the slim myself..Pre ordered on amazon..Have to wait till the 16th for it to ship..Its cool though ive got my pc to keep me through the rough times ahead..My xbox lasted 5 yrs im one of the lucky ones..The rrod death only happen to me twice..Use a cooling system guess thats why..Funny thing is i never even used the damn xbox when it died..Used it on a sat..Sunday morning i turned it on an it had the 3 rings..Called up microsoft to complain an see if i can get a replacement..Its a referbished box..Its really bad policy for them to send out referbished xboxes..They know it will just break again in the long run..Bunch of bullcrap if you tell me..Ah well..Ill be happy with the slim i think..

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#22 Anabub
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Seriously all those moaning about the cost of XBL gold account have you ever played on the PSN? Seriously its a pain and the lack of functions like cross game party chat is it's biggest flaw!! For the service you get it's value for money!!

You dont have to buy DLC, you dont have to buy Avatar clothes no one is making you and whilst we all gripe about MW DLC people are still buying it and it's these people that will keep fuelling the prices ... well those guys and that idiot market analyst guy who said they could have charged more!! :o I mean thanks mate but next time keep those kinda comments to yourself!

I do believe that MS have shot themselves in the foot with the pricing of Kinect esp in the UK and the very low pre orders reflect this ... so if we could use Kinect as an example ... if no one buys it the price should come down ... it's the same with DLC to...So basically TC get angry at those young kids who rob their parents blind so they can play expensive map packs that age restriction wise they shouldn't even be playing and blame no one else ... your in control of your content my friend just remember that!!

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#23 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts

Seriously all those moaning about the cost of XBL gold account have you ever played on the PSN? Seriously its a pain and the lack of functions like cross game party chat is it's biggest flaw!! For the service you get it's value for money!!


I was a Live subscriber for years, and I now prefer the psn. It's free and works just as well. Cross Party Chat is lame. If I'm playing competitive games, I'd rather communicate with the people I'm playing. I actually think CPC is somewhat disrespectful.

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#24 Anabub
Member since 2006 • 8316 Posts


Seriously all those moaning about the cost of XBL gold account have you ever played on the PSN? Seriously its a pain and the lack of functions like cross game party chat is it's biggest flaw!! For the service you get it's value for money!!


I was a Live subscriber for years, and I now prefer the psn. It's free and works just as well. Cross Party Chat is lame. If I'm playing competitive games, I'd rather communicate with the people I'm playing. I actually think CPC is somewhat disrespectful.

LOL I'm sorry have I stepped out from a gaming enviroment which is populated by screaming kids, people singing or making racist comments and now in to this great online gaming Nirvana where everyone gets along and works as a team regardless of age, race or location?? Seriously mate you can't play that much!!

Party chat is there for a reason to make sure that mature minded adults like myself CAN work as a team ...or .... if I wanted to talk to a friend whilst playing another game say an RPG I can do so ... there is nothing 'disrespectful' about not wanted to get involved in all the shouting, singing and verbose comments but on PSN there is no getting away with it ... even now ...if you pay!!

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#25 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
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Seriously all those moaning about the cost of XBL gold account have you ever played on the PSN? Seriously its a pain and the lack of functions like cross game party chat is it's biggest flaw!! For the service you get it's value for money!!


I was a Live subscriber for years, and I now prefer the psn. It's free and works just as well. Cross Party Chat is lame. If I'm playing competitive games, I'd rather communicate with the people I'm playing. I actually think CPC is somewhat disrespectful.

LOL I'm sorry have I stepped out from a gaming enviroment which is populated by screaming kids, people singing or making racist comments and now in to this great online gaming Nirvana where everyone gets along and works as a team regardless of age, race or location?? Seriously mate you can't play that much!!

Party chat is there for a reason to make sure that mature minded adults like myself CAN work as a team ...or .... if I wanted to talk to a friend whilst playing another game say an RPG I can do so ... there is nothing 'disrespectful' about not wanted to get involved in all the shouting, singing and verbose comments but on PSN there is no getting away with it ... even now ...if you pay!!

You just described my problems with Xbox Live. In the 2 months that i've been on PSN, I'm yet to experience any of that. I get the upset gamer, or the "this is effing cheap" gamer, but I still haven't experienced that one thing you listed, which was a key factor in why I stopped using xbox live. I'm not saying it doesn't happen on PSN, but with Live it got to the point where it was difficult to play ANY game without that.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but CPC is there to talk to people that are in other matches/games/ from the one you are playing, no? If that's the case, it's lame.

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#26 MusashiSensi
Member since 2004 • 9584 Posts
Actually, if you aren't buying something, then you aren't getting charged anything...El_Zo1212o
This. I couldn't have said it better myself.
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#27 vashkey
Member since 2005 • 33781 Posts

360 games being sixty dollars a pop isn't new and it's the standard for PS3 games and becoming the standard for PC games as well. Gaming has bever been cheap. Games were more expensive early in the N64/PS era and the 16 bit era. Charging for DLC is not new either. Microsft is not wholly responsible for this. It's also the choice of the publishers over the price of these game and dlc. But if you don't the prices don't pay. Wait for price drops. And none of the DLC is required to have in order to play any of the games they belong to.

The "new" avatar? You mean that feature that was included with an update like two years ago? If you don't like the avatar why do you care if there is clothes you can purchase for it? You know, these avatars don't make it any less possible to play games on the 360. Again, if you don't think it's worth the price, don't purchase. And Sony and Nintendo have things just like avatars for their systems so I don't know why you point Microsoft out on this one.

Nintendo and Sony have made new models of their consoles to. This isn't some travesty Microsoft has done alone. What price did you expect? It's a console. Microsoft is pricing the console the same as the original unit that came with a 120 gig hard drive(and this new unit comes with 250 gig, one hundred dollars less than the original 250 gig model and built in wireless connection, another one hundred dollars saved). There was no price drop before it came out other than to get the old units off shelves and a 200 dollar model with out the hard drive is coming soon. And it goes back to the point, if you don't like the price of kinect stop whining and don't buy it or wait for a price drop.

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#28 rawr_xd
Member since 2009 • 790 Posts

The price for COD wasn't set by microsoft. No one is forcing you to spend $3 on a suit and no one is forcing you to buy kinect.raylewisnfl52

I agree with this guy. And also, this is a blog topic. I personally think everyone is mad at microsoft just so they have a reason to complain. I think Microsoft is an awesome company.

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#29 rawr_xd
Member since 2009 • 790 Posts

360 games being sixty dollars a pop isn't new and it's the standard for PS3 games and becoming the standard for PC games as well. Gaming has bever been cheap. Games were more expensive early in the N64/PS era and the 16 bit era. Charging for DLC is not new either. Microsft is not wholly responsible for this. It's also the choice of the publishers over the price of these game and dlc. But if you don't the prices don't pay. Wait for price drops. And none of the DLC is required to have in order to play any of the games they belong to.

The "new" avatar? You mean that feature that was included with an update like two years ago? If you don't like the avatar why do you care if there is clothes you can purchase for it? You know, these avatars don't make it any less possible to play games on the 360. Again, if you don't think it's worth the price, don't purchase. And Sony and Nintendo have things just like avatars for their systems so I don't know why you point Microsoft out on this one.

Nintendo and Sony have made new models of their consoles to. This isn't some travesty Microsoft has done alone. What price did you expect? It's a console. Microsoft is pricing the console the same as the original unit that came with a 120 gig hard drive(and this new unit comes with 250 gig, one hundred dollars less than the original 250 gig model and built in wireless connection, another one hundred dollars saved). There was no price drop before it came out other than to get the old units off shelves and a 200 dollar model with out the hard drive is coming soon. And it goes back to the point, if you don't like the price of kinect stop whining and don't buy it or wait for a price drop.


This this this ^

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#30 a_simple_gamer
Member since 2010 • 1338 Posts
Thing is, everything is optional, you never have to buy any of those And most of all, 360 has a 149$ model, that is lower than any Wii version and half the price of a PS3 I think MS is going the right way, i dont see anything wrong there PS3 games are also 60$, i dont think MS has any special extra pricing either
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#31 orb_03_2006
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The only thing I agree with you in is the price of Kinect, but then again, no one is making you buy it. 1. Now, is anyone making you buy map packs/add ons? No they are not. 2. Secondly, ALL games cost $60. Don't blame MS. 3. Of course they will charge you for avatar gear, it's Microsoft. But is anyone making you buy it? No. 4. Don't force your opinions on other. It sounds like you are. 5. Don't blame everyone else because things cost money. I'm so deeply sorry people don't want to be limited to what the original game has to offer. You don't have to buy it. 6.
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#32 firefluff3
Member since 2010 • 2073 Posts

Well, avatar items are for the losers who actually care about how there virtual character which hardly anyone else will care about. But if it gives a company profit and no negative impact on other people, who cares? Most of the people that buy the items are just using up there spare point anyway. MS doesn't actually make money from selling things on xbl, they get money from the points people buy.

Also, slim is good for people who haven't got one, and i see no point in having 250gb storage (60gb does me fine) and the built in wi-fi is something it should've had at 2005 release.

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#33 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
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Well, avatar items are for the losers who actually care about how there virtual character which hardly anyone else will care about. But if it gives a company profit and no negative impact on other people, who cares?


People saying, "if you don't like it, don't buy," fail to understand that majority rules. If the majority is buying it, Microsoft will experiment with even more ways to nickel and dime its consumer. What if they started charging an additional fee to play in ranked matches? Sure you can play with the basic guns, or you can beat your friends easier with these premium weapons.

So people complaining about this stuff have every right to, especially if they are paying for xbox live.

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#34 donalbane
Member since 2003 • 16383 Posts
I got the new 360, and sold my old one to my friend. I am getting Kinect to play the star wars game. And I enjoy talking with my friends who live all over the country using LIVE. So yeah, I don't really know why you are complaining. Bored?
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#35 xJuice_Boxx
Member since 2008 • 244 Posts

I'm a huge fan of many games but have never bought any clothing for my avatar. I won some though playing RDR which is a great idea. I still didnt use them however. Really the only thing I buy off the marketplace is new songs for Rock Band and I really dont do that much anymore eihter.

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#36 TheMightyHoov
Member since 2009 • 2459 Posts

Why has this devolved into a XBL Gold subscription argument? This thread has nothing to do with that

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#37 TrapMuzik92
Member since 2009 • 3424 Posts

The DLC is price is set by the publisher. And the new 360 has bulit in Wi-Fi and a 250 GB HDD instead of a 120 GB. The old WiFi adapter was $100 alone. The Kinect is somewhat expensive, but realistically it is a better value than the PS Move since it supports up to 4 players at once.

I am more excited at the moment for the Move, but the Kinect has promise. It sounds like the only statement you made I agree with is that the MW2 map packs are expensive, but again you and I are mad at Activision, not Microsoft with that one.

I do not think that Microsoft has gone crazy but I do think they had the weakest showing at e3 this year.

Also, no one is forcing you to dress up you avatar for $. I also don't think you should call the people who choose to do so zombies. I would just call those people with expendable income.

Think you mean 2 people for the kinect.
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#38 TheMightyHoov
Member since 2009 • 2459 Posts

jeez look at all the fanboys defend the hell outta this one. Lighten up fanboys and open your eyes. I agree with some of the stuff you've said but things like online, well it's only £5 a month plus PS3 have started to charge (but then again you can still play online for free with PS3). You MS fanboys make me laugh xD


So we are fanboys because we just told the truth to negate each of his points?

The truth is MS has no say in pricing of DLC, that is all up to the publishers. As for the avatar clothing you dont have to buy it so stop complaining. The new XBOX has built in wifi and etc. that could be a good buy for some one with a normal xbox. Plus it is also meant to bring in new users.

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#39 lVlonster_X
Member since 2010 • 200 Posts
[QUOTE="lVlonster_X"]i dont get why they charge money to play online. it is dumb in my thought.drocka11
so you can actually... PLAY... online not lag everywhere

i have a ps3 and the online is fine...
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#40 Cloud567kar
Member since 2007 • 2656 Posts

Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.


1st Microsoft doesnt set the price for maps.

2nd You don't have to buy the avatar clothes

3rd The new xbox isn't really being made for people who already have an xbox lol, its exactly what the ps3 did, a slim with new features.

And lastly your an idiot.

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#41 lVlonster_X
Member since 2010 • 200 Posts


Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.


1st Microsoft doesnt set the price for maps.

2nd You don't have to buy the avatar clothes

3rd The new xbox isn't really being made for people who already have an xbox lol, its exactly what the ps3 did, a slim with new features.

And lastly your an idiot.

But do you agree that microsoft is greedy?
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#42 TheMightyHoov
Member since 2009 • 2459 Posts

[QUOTE="drocka11"][QUOTE="lVlonster_X"]i dont get why they charge money to play online. it is dumb in my thought.lVlonster_X
so you can actually... PLAY... online not lag everywhere

i have a ps3 and the online is fine...

Where in the thread title does it XBL or PSN? Where in the OP does it say XBL or PSN? Its not there so stop arguing about it because the thread has nothing to do with that

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#43 lVlonster_X
Member since 2010 • 200 Posts

[QUOTE="lVlonster_X"][QUOTE="drocka11"] so you can actually... PLAY... online not lag everywhereTheMightyHoov

i have a ps3 and the online is fine...

Where in the thread title does it XBL or PSN? Where in the OP does it say XBL or PSN? Its not there so stop arguing about it because the thread has nothing to do with that

Well i dont get why xbox charges cash to play online.. i mean you do spend enough on ms points, wireless adapter, ect.
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#44 TheMightyHoov
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[QUOTE="lVlonster_X"] i have a ps3 and the online is fine...lVlonster_X

Where in the thread title does it XBL or PSN? Where in the OP does it say XBL or PSN? Its not there so stop arguing about it because the thread has nothing to do with that

Well i dont get why xbox charges cash to play online.. i mean you do spend enough on ms points, wireless adapter, ect.

Yes I get it. MS will charge for online because that is a feature people will pay for. Its a smart business decision.

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#45 sharkbiscuit79
Member since 2009 • 1142 Posts

aah right so you want everything for free Microsoft are a buisness that wants to make money it also has staff to pay. its not a charity and anyway YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE!

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#46 Montaya
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I still find it outragous that PC games are always cheaper and on sale far much more than console games and that console publishers charge you for the DLC while most of it is a free download on the PC.

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#47 XXGamerfanXX
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TC, No one is forcing you to buy DLC and what not. Heck, the only DLC that I bought (for maps) were Halo 3, which thats the only game I bought DLC for the multiplayer. As for the Avatars, I think they're great man! Yeah, It's childish, but I like the idea to do whatever you want in the Avatars. If you don't like the Avatars, then don't look at them, easy and simple, not hard at hard TC. As for Kinect, and the new Xbox360, I think It's great, but I don't have it at the moment, since my console still runs great in shape, so I'll probably wait until Christmas to see If It's great (Since my Dad is going to get his own Xbox and It's going to be that, probably). Zombehhhh, No one is forcing you to buy any of that stuff. If you think It's overpriced to buy that particular thing, DON'T BUY IT THEN! Easy and simple, not hard at all.
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#48 Cloud567kar
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Lately, I have been upset at Microsoft's decisions with their Xbox 360. For one, I believe that they are overpricing everything. As if paying $60 for a videogame isn't enough (and that's for the standard edition, it's even more for limited editions),they are charging you the rest of your money for the downloadable content if you want to enhance your game with extra missions, map packs, or skins. For example, the map packs that were recently released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were way overpriced. If you are a die hard fan of Call of Duty, than you bought the game for $60 unless you wanted the limited edition for $10 more. Than you spent an additional $30 for ten new maps, four of which were in Call of Duty 4. So you are spending $90 for that, which is a lot of money.

Another thing that doesn't upset me, but it confuses me is Microsoft's new Avatar. Personally, I think they are nerdy and designed for 8-year-olds. But if you are a fan of a game, you have to buy the avatar clothing to make yourself feel special. But their isa price for your poor self-esteem becoming better in your own eyes. Microsoft will charge you approximately $3 for a Gears of War suit for instance. I don't understand how they continue to make somuch money from zombies buying avatar attire.

Lastly, Microsoft announced their new Xbox 360 and Kinect at E3 2010, the new Xbox looks sleek and nice, but it's going to be $300, which is the same price that I paid for mine before the price drop. How many people are actually going to save up their cash again to buy a new console just for a couple extra features from the older model? Now if it is a new guy looking for a console, I think it is a no brainer to buy the new model. But for someone who already has a 360, I don't see why they would buy it, I know I wouldn't. And Kinect, Microsoft's new motion sensor game,it's going to be half the price of a new Xbox. Spending another $150 for Kinect just doesn't seem logical to me. It looks like cool stuff to play with, but so did the Wii when that came out. But the Wii was never going to cost as much as Kinect will. Sure, the Wii itself was more than $150, but the games were not $60. Kinect will end up costing a lot of money.


1st Microsoft doesnt set the price for maps.

2nd You don't have to buy the avatar clothes

3rd The new xbox isn't really being made for people who already have an xbox lol, its exactly what the ps3 did, a slim with new features.

And lastly your an idiot.

But do you agree that microsoft is greedy?

Why wouldnt they charge for online or anything like that? They are a company and Im pretty sure you want to make as much money as possible, and your not forced to pay for any of this.

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#49 I_am_theOpus
Member since 2009 • 768 Posts

I have no problem paying for an XBL subscription, especially after seeing what you get on PS3 for free. But it all depends on what you need. If I only wanted to play COD by myself, PS3 would definitely be the right choice because I get to play for free without paying for a ton of stuff I don't need. However, a lot of my friends are on XBL and I find myself using party chat as almost a skype kind of thing. Being able to talk to friends while playing is probably one of the best features of XBL and I don't see how that is "disrespectful" to anyone.

I don't have a problem with avatar clothes either. At first I despised the very idea, but now I'm okay with it as a way to unload spare bits of MS points that I always get from weirdly priced DLC. Avatar awards, which you get totally free just for playing a game, are even better.

Now I've written thought out responses for my other two points, but as for Kinect all I have to say is...DO NOT WANT!

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#50 Tripleseed
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I know that, but just the fact that I'm still getting charged because all the zombies buy this stuff so everything else gets overpriced.


I know what you're talking about zombehhhh and I do agree with you. This whole "micro-transaction" thing is a joke and is only going to get worse due to how popular it is. Chances are, all the dorks on these forums who aren't a bit miffed by it aren't because they use their parent's credit cards to pay for this stuff and don't spend their own money on it.

The worst thing I have done this gen is download each map pack for World at War, which are priced at $10 each, simply to obtain three new zombie maps because I love that mode. Granted, I feel as if I've gotten my moneys worth out of them, but still, 10 bucks for a new map is a bit ridiculous. Sadly, there's not much to be done about it beyond simply choosing not to download the extra content. I do feel like a fool at times when I buy shirts off the "Avatar Marketplace" to get rid of the 80 odd points that I can't spend on anything else, but hey, that's life. 80 MSP is only like a buck or so anyhow? Haven't bought a $5 set of virtual armor yet, gladly, and that ODST armor in my sig I got from an achievement.