Any good game without guns is underated, games that don't involve guns don't seem to recieve much publicity on the 360.
Dead or Alive 4, great fighting game when i look at people's gamertags they never have it on there list.
Bomberman Live is underated also, then again alot of great live arcade games are, it's probably the most popular on live arcade but thats not saying much as live arcade isn't very popular.
Perhaps the most underated game of all time on the 360 though is the Orange Box it was released at the same time as Halo 3 if i remember correctly, which didn't help, the game was worth it for team fortress 2 alone, anything else was a bonus.
I listed alot there lol, so one more won't hurt
A bit off topic but i'm gonna tell you what i think is the most underated game of all time regardless of console....
Shadow of the Collosus, that was a legendary game, one of the best i've ever played and once again it was overlooked because you use a sword to kill the collosus, not a gun.
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