Would you vote for this law to pass if it decreased young kids playing "M" rated games on Xbox live like Gears or Rainbow Six? Just curious.
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[QUOTE="mpalacio"]what do you mean "law to pass"Would you vote for this law to pass if it decreased young kids playing "M" rated games on Xbox live like Gears or Rainbow Six? Just curious.
isn't it already a law
but do stores enforce it? most of the time, no
Is it a law? Didn't know that? Is it a state-by-state or federal law?
No, it's not law like selling rated R movies. The ESA is a independent organization and has nothing to do with the government. Publlishers can choose to have their games rated, but they don't have to. Most, if not all, do so though. It's more along the lines as a guideline to show parents what these games contain. Why do you think you always read about states trying to pass the law to make it illegal and then keep getting shutdown?
So far, I think GameStop is the only place under CORPORATE POLICY to follow the M rating of 17 and not selling to anyone under that age or the staff gets in trouble or something.
I'm 16... I have no problem getting them though.
However, I think playing with anyone 12 and younger is ridiculous. Hell, 14 and younger. That's partly why Halo 3 will be... sad. It'll just be a party game for me and my friends, for a while.
I'm keeping with my idea that the third option was extraneous. "Yes" or "No" is fine, the third throws off the results.
That being said, I think 16 is a fairer age.
it isnt a law yet but yeah most majot stores like eb games wal mart, best buy ect have policys that say they wont sell M rated games to people under 17. the only problem is that alot of times for me people forget to check id and just sell the game.
only place i know that always checks id is the eb games at the mall next to me because the manager cuaght them selling oe before
i dont care lol, in Australia the oldest u need to be is 15 (16 now)
but i guess in saying that im not looking forward to having a halo 2 repeat in halo 3 with rude, loud, racist and obnoxious
yo why does every1 over 17 make it a big deal its not changing our mindi ve plat gta gow cod halo 1, 2, and the halo 3 betabaseball24707
its not about how desensitised you are, its how mature you are in dealing with other people, kids lack any sort of subtlety in what they say, they lack the knowledge to think before they open their mouths
umm yea im mature theres no problem wit me im 15 is there a differencebaseball24707
who said there was:|
Sure, why not? Since I am above the age of 17 I could care less if it was illegal. Muahahahahaha!darkface
What he said.
I see it like this. If you have to be 17 to get into "R" movies that contain explicit violence, drug use, nudity, etc. then why not make it 17 to buy a game that contains some if not all of those?YourLastDay86
I completely agree. Now I do see the argument that some teenagers are more mature for their age--thats due to good parenting. If your under 17 and your parents know Johnny/Jane can handle Mature content-then those parents should go ahead and get the game/movie for them. When the ESRB first started(I was already 17), but I told my parents about it since my little brother that was 7 would be growing up in an industry where they eventually push the envelopes. That helped them to get the proper games as my brother grew up.
Parents should buy kids violent videogames at THEIR discretion. Kids don't know right from wrong. There are too many bad parents. So basically the government has to be your parent and tell you no. Which is of course how they do it in Cuba under a dictatorship.
As much as I hate censorship, I hate 13 year old kids on XBL even more who are playing games they probably shouldn't be playing. A shame that proper parenting isn't more common, eh?
There are a good amount of 12 year olds and older who are very mature on Xbox Live. I keep those on my friends list who are mature and really good at multiplayer. I have heard some very annoying kids though. Its really a shame to hear thse little kids cuss and call people noobs and crap. All you can do is mute them.
Discrimination is wrong anyway you look at it. Age discrimination is no different. If you don't like their voice, then mute them or boot them from your room. :P
Wait....I made absolutely no point in that last statement.....whatever.... hahahahaha
This is a very versatile conflict. As hardcore gamers ranging from all ages, we should all be fair and partial to laws regarding the entertainment industry.
I don't think we need to change the way games are rated. However, we do need to change laws on how to enforce the rating system, and change laws about who can purchase what.
Retailers, major and minor, need to have their employees understand that they should not sell innappropriate content to those who the E.S.R.B determines should not have access to.
Federal Law should fine any retailer who does not abide by the E.S.R.B rating system.
Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony should allow developers & publishers to publish AO rated games.
Retailers shouldn't carry AO rated games on store shelves, but they should still sell them behind closed curtain. (Upon request of the consumer).
Any "M" rated game should not be sold to persons under the age of 17 of course. Anyone under 17 should have parental consent before the retailer sells the game to the minor.
Federal laws should be passed to enforce these concepts.
Censorship is not an option.
With federal regulation of these concepts, activists like Hil Clinton, Joe Liberman, & Jack Thompson wouldn't be able to complain about violence & sex in video games, and blame would be put soley in the hands of the ones truly responsible for having a **** up child - the parents.
also i think people are forgetting something that most people from they're early 20's-30's are more imature than kids on xbox live,i don't know how many times i've heard ''i did your mom man!''.i'm not saying trying to generlize i'm just saying when you look at every age group on LIVE they are all equaly annoying!!!
mmm no because THP8 is rated T here, T is 13 and above :| and games that are rated M18 over there are rated M (17 or above) here in America so... no hahahahaha :|wtf! in australia you can buy m games are made for 15+ but you can buy them if your a little younger
with ma you HAVE to be 15.
why the heck do you have to be 17 just for m? that means you have to be 17 to play tony hawks project 8 and stuff HAHAHA
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