ok this problem is driving me NUTS
i have the slim btw, and im trying to transfer save files from my 20G to the 250G
originally i bought a 3rd party data transfer cable which comes with this really tiny disk. it recognizes my hard drive but it read it as a "USB Storage". and then i played around with it and went to the option "customize" and then set the option to 16GB (i dont know if anyone is familiar with this process).
so ok, it did not DO ANYTHING, im not sure what i have done.
now, recently i got fed up and bought a Micrsoft data transfer cable from GS. problem is, the POS wont detect the external hard drive.
everytime i plug it in with either the 3rd party or the official cable, i hear a sound, like circuits or gears moving inside the hard drive.
with the 3rd party cable, it detects the Hard drive as a USB, but with the official cable, it wont detect the hard drive at all.
so when i plug the cables in, nothing pops up as it should do.
is there anything wrong with the slim or the hard drive itself?
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