Mine has to be Blacksite: Area 51. I don't think they even tested that game before releasing it, it was so bad. :SJackSonOfTerry
I thought that was a great game! well, the campaign anyway. The multiplayer was okay because it was old school, but not as fun as Quake III: Arena or anything. The campaign was pretty sweet though, I did it like twice... will have to do it again too :P.
For me it would probably be Need For Speed ProStreet
history channel battle of the pacific i got this game for about $30 it has 2-4 hours of horrible, and repetitive gameplay
grenades are overpowered, the game has i think about 3-8 weapons in singleplayer 1 more in multiplayer, you cant sprint but all the npcs can, npcs will sometimes get stuck and you need them to advance in game, you cant die if you can i have not and i have been shot 50-150 times by an MG nest, ai is about as smart as a stick
but the best part is the trade in value was $20
but stay away from this game and make sure your friends do not get/rent/play this game
I got that game a few months ago... even though it was very short and got even shorter towards the end, I enjoyed it :P. But I do love my WWII shooters anyway. I even enjoy Hour Of Victory.
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