I got the demo for LIVE09. I thought they changed the gameplay, but it still feels the same playing it. Don't know about 2k9 yet but LIVE player models look very good. Basketball games tend to last a whole year for me so I want the best game possible. So which game do you guys will win the b-ball battle this year?
I heard somewhere that 2k9 might be just a roster update & nothing more while Live09 has some new features. Guess I'll just have to rent them both to see which one is better.
I hope this does not sound like im hating on 2k but I have bought every 2k since it started on dreamcast and this is possible the first time I feel like they really did not do anything to improve it over last year. I can't say that for sure only cause i have not had my hands on 2k but I have played live 09. I'm still getting both live 09 and 2k9.
I am going to be picking up Live 09 for sure because I really loved the demo and it's finally got Live back into contention as best bball game around. I may pick up 2K9 just because i will have some friends that will be on it but Live is a for sure buy for me.
For everybody saying they havent changed anything in 2k9 read the preview on this site.. it has EVERYTHING that Live has and more... including the new features
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