Sounds like it might be a Wireless Adapter issue. Normally, in these situations, you would reset your router or even reset your XBL settings on your console, but since we're at that point now, here's what you should do.
First, look around and try to find any physical damage to the adapter. IF you don't see any, woot for you!
Next (now this requires a wireless device such as a PSP, laptop, desktop computer, or Ipod Touch) try to connect to the router and the internet with a wireless device you have available to you. If you can establish an internet connection with the router, then we know its not an ISP (internet service provider) issue.
Now, get your 360 going, and get into your network settings. From there, search for a wireless access point (your router) and connect. Now, if your smart there should be a password on your network, so type in the password or key you need to get access. If you connect, congrats! Go play some Gears online! If you still cannot connect... then its going to be an adapter issue. Take it back to where you got it, and trade it out for a new one.
Hope this helps! Let me know what you end up having to do!
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