Now i love my Xbox 360 and i love Xbox Live but i dont love "LAG"!!! When Xbox Live came out Microsoft was promoting a service that people all over the world could connect their Xbox's or now Xbox 360s and play lag free games! Well i live in Australia and i have one of the best internet connections available in Australia and if i go online and play people from Europe or the UK it starts to lag and 9 times out of 10 it got nothing to do with the connections!!! Its a distance issue cause i live so far away from these places! So most of the time i just play with other Aussies (Australians) but sometimes it can be hard finding other Aussies online on some games! So i have come up with a idea............i think Xbox live should be broken up into 2 services 1.) Being an international services like it is now and new one 2.) A continent services so people from your continent can only join equalling a lag free services cause everyone is close to you!!! Let me know what you think???
I agree 100%. i went and shelled out for Battlefield 1943. You get 15 minutes play in the demo, it seemed to be fine. After getting the full game, its unplayable. Why the hell should i have to pay for a gold account if its almost useless.
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