hey to all you oblivion fans........ for a while i've been wondering something and i just want to know if anyone else was wondering this to. do you think that the new downloadible quest that the creaters of oblivion makes should include: A rebuild kvatch quest line, a quest line where you become or help find a new king, and the ablity to go into the other countries?
to the other country question i doubt it, because thats where the next elder scrolls will be set in one of them. As to the Kvatch rebuilt quest line i doubt that will happen, however there are 2 new dlc said to be coming after SI
yeah.... but it just gets on my nerves when your walking and you just hit a wall... and with kvatch just a smoking pice of rubble you really have no reason to be there other than if you are doing the main quest or are using it as a landmark to help you find your way to new dungons
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