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Probably nothing until Infinite Undiscovery comes out. Then I'll buy that, most likely on release day.
If I do end up buying anything sooner, it'll be Lost Odyssey.
Well i am going to go and get a used splinter cell game for like under fifteen bucks, so i also wanted to pick up a nice new game. i was thinking halo 3, orange box, or maybe rainbow six. just wondering what game you guys are buying next33-4-MVP
I dont mean to burst your bubble but Splinter Cell: Double Agent has too many graphical problems. Framerate issues, and screen-tearing like you've never seen before. Everytime you move the camera, screen...tear... *cringe*
well im getting Battlefield Bad Company next (got it pre ordered) and possibly Unreal 3 if the online dosent go dead within a week. And I must say you should definitely get the Orange Box. its one of the best games ive ever played (except for team fortress 2. i didnt really like it.)
The next will be ... Alone in the Dark !!! Well I dunno yet I still gotta some games to play on my X.
Yes the Orange Box is fabulous
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