I personally think it's a good Idea, but then again when it comes to censorship it requires both the communities part as well as those that implement it.
This should never be done at the expense of the RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH, BUT we also want an enjoyable environment as from my understanding and my experience I've heard things that go beyond trash talking. It makes me question the sort of people are out there.
I've read posts of the complaints of the offensive language some gamers encounter
MS made the underground channel or room for a REASON so those who feel the need to express themselves in that manner have the choice to do so, in the other room like 'PRO' that we have to respect other people it even states so when you select your avatar and the group you belong to - believe it or not swearing is considered an offensive language. some people seem to forget that or don't actually care.
Professionals do not talk in such a manner,as well as politicians, teachers, church attendeess, when we speak to out parents and when we speak to our kids(sometimes it does come out-though!)
I think it comes down to everyone being proactive about it and telling those that what they say can be quite offensive and take the appropritate measures- voice mute, player review, or/and file a complaint.
We all can't keep doing this everytime we come across people like that though but it does help and if not MS will have to bring out some other ways to censor the kind of language.
We all have to take responsibilites to a certain extent. but then we also have rules and consequences.
Some people still do not actually follow those rules and continually mouthing off and it really shows no respect for the enjoyment of other gamers
I don't swear when it comes to dealing with strangers - unless it's considered acceptable like in the group - 'underground'
I think the seperate channels or groups really need to emphasized and the rules to be stated more clearly and so the consequences as well - like we do in society. Undergorund is the place to be to enjoy that the other channels rules should be respected as well
I try and avoid underground groups and stuff because I don't like some of the profanity and offensive language - sexism, racism, antisematicism and other extreme views I have encountered. I can handle the occasional blurb here and there and that being bleeped out everyso often would be about right in the other channels or groups, but when people go in there knowingly break those rules this censorship comes into place.
I can not stress this enough. emphasise the appropriate channel for those that would like to express themselves that way -Freedom of speech, but also make it clear that really breaking those rules and ruining the game for others will not be tolerated.
I can respect those rules and other gamers why can't some people do the same.
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