On the box for gears of war it states "ONLY ON XBOX 360" yet there is a pc version due out very soon, the same can be said of halo, halo2 and fable,which conveniently made there way to pc,to add insult to injury the pc version will contain an extra section where you get to fight the brumak. without exclusive titles whats the point in choosing the 360 over any other platform, at least if you own a ps3 you know the exclusive titles from sony will remain exclusive.Rememmber resi 4? it was supposed to be exclusive to gamecube and could have saved the machine, when capcom announced a ps2 version it buried the gamecube for good, when interviewed Cliffy b claimed they had always intended to make a pc version of gears which means technically they breached the trades description act, what next? halo 3 on pc? if its supposed to be exclusive to xbox it should stay exclusive to xboxif microsoft dont buck there ideas up, and start making titles that are solely exclusive to there own console, they will not win the console wars. Games for windows, what a joke.
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